
Why are so many British people keen to see the break up the United Kingdom?

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Why are so many British people keen to see the break up the United Kingdom?




  1. The scottish have always been a little annoyed with england and recently the scottish independance party has been gaining momentum i believe its to do with the recent incompentance in downing street and the fact that scotland doesn't want to be a part of england. If they break away they will attempt to claim the gas fields in the north sea and a nuclear submarine pen.

    Wales also seems to be aiming for independence aswell it seems that the unitedness of our kingdom is drawing to a close. Being English i have no hate for the scottish or the welsh or irish in fact we have faced down situations and wars at each others side its just that in the end the people must have what they want. Unfortunately for them if they break from england they will lose alot of benefits and money they took for granted either Scotland and Wales are willing to lose these for independence or they haven't fully comtemplated their decision.

  2. The British are, English, Scottish & Welsh?

    The Scots don't want to be part of Britain, nor the Welsh, and the English Tax Payer would be glad to get rid of the Tax Burden,

  3. Cos us scots dont really get on with english people so well, and we get the impression that the english arent too keen on us eather...

  4. Old Twinkletoes seems to be somewhat confused with regard to Scotland " not wanting to be a part of England " Twinkle - chuck us a tattie squire !! ( quaint local expression ) Scotland and indeed England are joint partners in what goes by the name of the United Kingdom . Regretably it is probably past its sell by date and is losing morfe than a little momentum . The successful transition of the Scottish Government into a relevant entity  has been seen as a sensible move by most Scots . I recall some colonial cousins getting wise a few years back . Perhaps history is repeating itself .  

  5. Speak for yourselves some of you! I don't judge people on whether they're Irish, Scottish, Welsh or English, I go by their personality and the rest of it. I class myself as a citizen of the world first, European second and British last. I hate calling myself English, because England doesn't exist in my eyes. If England could have its own parliament then fine, but it doesn't, so why bother? I've got nothing against any country having their own parliament, if that's the way it is. And I get sick of some people judging you from where you're from, who the h**l cares??? Life's too short and should be for living not worrying about where you're from. There are too many other things to worry about in the meantime!

  6. Self-Loathing and Guilt.  

    When you teach generations of schoolchildren to be ashamed of their country, and that Patriotism is really just Racism...this is what you get.

  7. Because it's c**p mate!!

  8. what a load of drivel!  The UK won't break up in the near future and the majority (that are keeping quiet for now) don't want it to.

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