
Why are so many Iraqis FAT???

by Guest56088  |  earlier

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I worked as a contractor in Iraq for part of last year, and a few months during this one. One thing I noticed while traveling around - and which surprised me - was the number of fat people walking around, or whom I would encounter. Sometimes I felt like I was visiting the Houston airport or something!

Anyway, it surprised me, because Iraq is still a third-world country, where people don't necessarily have a lot of money for things. But apparently food is something they are willing to spend on.

I heard that this was somewhat related to all the violence, because instead of going outside and walking to the souk, people would spend more time at home eating stockpiled food.

Anyway, has anyone else who has traveled in Iraq noticed this? Did it surprise you, too?

It was also interesting to meet several black Iraqis. Most Americans think of Iraqis as racially 'Arab,' but there is actually some variety there, from very white European-featured people to the African-looking Iraqis, especially in the south of the country.




  1. Poor diet, maybe. They probably don't have as good of a food selection as we do in the States.

  2. This is actually a pretty good question. People who have not been to Iraq may not understand it, but for some reason Iraq is full of fat people. And no, it is not because Americans have made them that way. I saw many fat Iraqis back in 2003 while I was there during the invasion. I have been to Iraq 4 times and I still dont know the answer to this question. Maybe it is from all the Goat meat and pita bread they eat?  

  3. because they dont have MTV and tons of other entertainment stations showing them how to look i guess

    its natural for the human body to eat as much as desired save hunter gatherers lol

  4. The women are heavy because they have a different standard of beauty than those rail-thin anorexic Americans.

    Go to Alabama or Georgia, Iraqis will look lots littler after that,

  5. probably because americans are there, and since americans try to force their culture/will/beliefs on everyone else, everyone there is fat.

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