
Why are so many Natural Disasters Hitting All Of A Sudden?

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Okay, in the past 10 years there have been tons of large natural disasters. We've seen devistating tsunamis, massive hurricanes, floods, large tornadoes, and an extremely large earthquake in china recently. On another note, the world is experiencing terrorist attacks like crazy. So, what is going on. Weve probably had more natural disasters in the first 8 years of the 21st century than we experienced in the last 100 years. Are the end times near?




  1. A vengeful god


    we are getting closer to December 12 2012

    or both


  2. Lol my husband says the 2012 theory and/or the global warming theory.  I agree with many others about the media coverage, that's what they choose to focus on right now.  Before too long they will find other things to focus on and all the natural disasters/terrorist attacks will seem like they have subsided.

    However, I am starting to jump on the "go green" bandwagon ha.

  3. Weather disaster like hurricanes, floods and tornadoes are caused by global warming. While for earthquake it is caused by the movement of tectonic plate when two plate slide past each other.

    The most possible way of the world ending would be the weather disaster.

  4. More then likely there are no more then normal. The news media just have a lot more time to fill, so you hear about storms and the like that years ago would hardly be mentioned on any but the local news.

  5. As he stated, we just get more news now.

    Instead of heating 5 news items a day, we get 50 from 10 directions. I have turned off my TV and home phone and just choose where I want to get my news from various websites.

    The newspaper is occasionally useful, but I often skip the entire first section which has nothing but negative stories.

    They have a saying in their business:

    "If it bleeds, lt leads"

  6. It just SEEMS like there are, but it's really just the coverage.

  7. No, but the cause is simply global warming. The country is getting hotter, and in turn, the weather is getting more violent. Thunderstorms, hurricanes and tornadoes love humidity and heat, and so there will be more of them.

  8. I believe that there has to be balance to everything.  Whether or not it's a God or global warming, Things have to balance out.  According to the documentations that we have from past history, we are currently having more disasters.  However, we also have many more people which brings crime, poverty increases, and different diseases.  It all has to balance out some how.

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