
Why are so many Republican elected officials?

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including 10 Republican senators skipping their own convention? Is thia a bad sign for McCain? Even Arnold is skipping out.




  1. Because Obama ain't even eligible to run.  He wasn't born in the US, and cannot come up with anything more than a photoshopped birth certificate.  Why the Dems didn't disqualify him long ago is beyond me, but that's just how they've been doing things lately!!!

    for those about to rock:

  2. its interesting and people talk about Democratic separation.  It is funny that they want to separate themselves from Bush and his policies but still try to remain dead set republicans unified in the same party.  

  3. maybe they know "the tape" exists.  If so, why bother its in the bag.

  4. Ahnuld is no republican

  5. One word:  Bush.

  6. I don't care if they are missing.

    I just want George W Bush to attend and hug McCain.

    I want to see McCain sqerm free.

  7. I'm not sure how your question has anything to do with your comment?

  8. Maybe because they decided to hold the convention during a possible national natural disaster.  

    hmm looks like not ALL the Republicans are stupid. Maybe there is hope.

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