
Why are so many Republicans with out Integrity and blind to their Candidate's problems?

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Why are so many Republicans with out Integrity and blind to their Candidate's problems?




  1. It should be quite obvious as to why...a bunch of racists pigs.

  2. You mean like your candidate Obama is so experienced and talented organizing a community?  Ha I mean block club. You sit here, you sit there, you sit there, you do this, you do that..........I'm so talented and experienced.  I go to the senate and vote present, then I talk some, then I go home.  Gee, if I hadn't had all of that community experience I'd be hurting...gee this qualifies me for president!  I have so much integrity, quick get me my robe and crown, and where's my arugula which one did you say had the problem?  I'm confused.

  3. why are so many Democraps looking to movie stars for political leadership and although they want healthcare, are pissed when they find out how much they will have to pay for it?  

  4. I'm sorry...I dont see any problems with my candidate. Oh yeah I forgot there is one...He is not tryna be Jesus!

  5. Because conservatives can finally breathe a sigh of relief that there's someone on the ticket who's stringently opposed to abortion, g*y marriage, mary jane law reform, teaching of evolution . .. you know "good ol' times."

    Even with her family not in the mix (which they shouldn't be) she has A LOT of issues. And it's coming out more and more.

  6. Red is very confused...last I checked the only "celebrity" in politics is the Republican Governor of California, Arnold!!!  So, you're ridiculous assumption, like many other neo-con assumptions, is completely off-base.

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