
Why are so many black babies born out of wedlock?

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Some years, it reaches 70% of black babies born to single moms! Why so much higher than other races?




  1. I don't know- why do so many people on Yahoo! Answers ask stupid questions?


    more welfare money

  3. Why are you focusing ONLY on black women? I am getting really sick of this.

    s***w statistics...look around!Don't you know there are PLENTY of white and latina women doing the same thing...even some Asian and Native American women, too. Yet no one is judging them as harshly as some here love to judge Black women!

  4. I don't know. Just because someone has babies out of wedlock doesn't mean that they are single though, so I think that you kind of twisted around your facts.

    And why do you care anyway? Go get a life and stop worrying about what other people are doing. I hate when people don't know how to mind their own business.

  5. culture, seriously, as long as our culture lets being african american be an excuse for the mistakes they make, then they will use it, the same would happen if white or hispanic, or greek, or whatever other ethnicities you can think of were allowed to use it as an excuse for everything.  I'm not racist or ethnicist at all, it's just human nature, if you can get by with something then you'll do it over and over and over again....Not really because you're lazy or irresponsible....if that's what is accepted then that's what will happen

  6. no moral values

    Live and let live

  7. Not for anything.. there are a heck of alot of white babies being born to single moms.  

    No structure at home, I see it as a parents failure to teach their children values and self respect.  

    Kids: pulling out is not enough!  

  8. Women today are extremely independent, many choose to have children out of wedlock. It's not just a black thing it's a woman's thing.

    I hear so many women say that they can't deal with the stress of marriage. As long as you can support your child then I feel it's no ones business if your married or not.

  9. Because the law says I can't marry all those fine ebony women I'm seeing.

  10. How do you know the mothers are single? Maybe its higher with the African Americans with your statistic. But what does that matter, how do you know if the mothers are single just because they are out of wedlock. I am not black I'm hispanic/asian and I am pregnant right now out of wedlock but I am not a single mom. I have a wonderful boyfriend that has been with me for 3 years. We have a house and cars together and as far as i'm concerned that doesn't considered me to be single. Maybe you should check and see if the percentage is mainly for black unwed mothers as appose to single. They could all have great things going for them in their lives and live as a family and then there would be nothing wrong with that,,, Statistic are a waste of time.

  11. were in the 21st century mister. you dont have to be married to have a baby!!

  12. Poverty, drugs and cultural isolation.

  13. I think you need to back up that number a little.

    It sounds awfully high.

    Especially in this era when MANY people of all races are having children w/o actual marriage ceremonies.

    Can you produce some citations for that number?


  14. to Der Mann:

    "they're lazy an irresponsible" so says the mexican in the sombraro crossing the border.

  15. ask the moms.. we don't know

  16. All races have babies out of wedlock so why are you so interested to know why blacks do it. You shouldv'e asked why do people have babies out of wedlock in general. having a baby in my opinion is not a good enough reason to marry someone and some people don't want to get married.  

  17. too many dads take off...its too sad...and you shouldnt make this racial

  18. Lack of education and economic means.  It's a devil circle, the less education you have, the poorer one is, and thus cannot afford education, and so on and so on.

  19. Stupid statistics.

    Have you ever been to London, not being rude but most single mothers are see are White...dont get me wrong i see black,asian,mixed race,spanish, you name it buh you shouldnt make this statement racial as it just shows how stupid you are....any one agree..

  20. Majority of the single moms I know happen to be white so I believe that it all depends on the area in which you live.

  21. Why don't you tell us. I know you're dying to.

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