
Why are so many conservatives on here unable to take personal responsibility?

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Not all of them, but many conservatives whine all the time about how yahoo, or the media is biased against them. (I'm glad the founding fathers didn't sit around whining about how the English were biased against them.) When will they take personal responsibility and just admit, maybe their answers and questions are getting banned for reasons, maybe just maybe the whole world isn't out to get them and if they took some personal responsibility they could see this. I've had plenty of questions and answers banned, and while I don't agree with all of them, I don't sit around crying how yahoo doesn't like me.




  1. I see a whole lot more whining about that subject coming from the liberals on this site than I do the Conservatives, and when it comes to taking personal responsibility, isn't it you guys who are seeking a nanny state where everything is done for you through someone else's labors? Just how is that taking personal responsibility?

  2. I'm not sure about banned questions on here, but the media in general is biased against them. Most of Hollywood, including owners and directors of tv stations, and newspapers are run by very liberal democrats. They do censor pro-conservative stories and views, and promote very liberal ones instead.

    Personally I don't think it's right. Although I am not conservative and don't vote for one party more than another, I think they should stay objective and only state the facts.

  3. You are immature. You don't need to be a lib or a con to be a cry baby.

  4. The recent, and extensive, trend to avoid personal responsibility knows no political, religious, gender, economic, or philosophical lines.

    Its very common, at all levels, to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. Everything is a choice, even whining.

    Every person needs to be responsible for the consequences of their actions and quit blaming their parents, their school, their children, whatever, for the actions they have taken. I know this is unpopular but even addicts had a choice to participate at some point. They could have made a different choice.

  5. I have a question for you. The Democrats have attempted to pass ENDA three times since '92, that Fair Speech Act (?) two times since '98 - both having virtually the same language as the prior versions - and a couple of different versions of socialized medicine in that time span. When will they learn that America doesn't want these answers?

  6. i came up w/ a way of operating a society and a religion that both combined are unstoppable. there are liberals operating in 3 different kinds of compatibility profiles.

    *Communist Council-ship Rain-Cloud Decision Making

    *Umbrella Senatorial-ship Process-Component Readiness

    *Media Dirt-ship Establishment Community Collectivity

    There are the conservatives who literally have a cult where some of them can do magic and have NO iDeA how it works and here's how it works:

    prime series x is done where you graph an ellipse of diameters of foci of 10 and 1 w/ 7 the distance in b/w the foci where a circle of diameter x is pressed against it and graphed in real time where the pressure to merge is always prime number of series x where the exactification is set at 99% light velocity. A ranking system must be set up for this type of existence to actually have the right to make large scale decisions involving foreign policy.

    There should be some rules for this system of course.

    rule 1- it takes 3/4 parties to request a decision

    rule 2- the cultists have the right to do w/e they want if they can get away w/ it and if they have the courage to answer for it

    rule 3- the rain-cloud and umbrella balances must have 9 departments and 12 departments, respectively and intrinsically upon arrival of completion, (a 2 runged trait/ability and local/non-local part for each department), of the infalibility of the reliance upon that establishment as a set course of disclosure for ensurement of operation of foreign policy to make war-mindedness impossible in the line of requirement.

  7. Screwng the poor is something Conservative love to do.

    so blaming them for everything is also easy.

  8. Why do so many Libs make broad sweeping generalizations?

  9. I'm fairly certain whining knows no party lines.....

  10. We are trying to see the liberal side of things. So we occasionally act like liberals, and refuse to take personal responsibility for anything. Just trying to reach out  - - -.

  11. I should report you for talking about me

  12. I'm not going to address the personal responsibility issue because I see so much of it and it's impossible to tell if they are red or blue sometimes...

    As for the media - I do have to laugh when I hear that the media is 100% biased in favor of the liberals.  Since when was Fox News Network not considered the media - they are all conservative all the time.  Rush Limbaugh?  All conservative all the time.  Most talk radio?  All conservative all the time.  Conservatives have quite the lock on a segment of the American media which seems to have been castrated somewhere along the line and is afraid to grow some b**ls and speak the truth about what's really going on in this country.  And since liberals seems to have the lock on the "whiner" label, isn't whining about the liberal media still whining?

    I grow tired of the "everyone is picking on me" mentality.  This is America and it's okay to disagree.  We're supposed to disagree - it's what makes us great.  I get frustrated with the personal attacks instead of sticking to the issues.

  13. Ten years ago, I use to say the same thing about the liberals. How the years change us, help us to grow up.

  14. Interesting......I was going to say the same about  the liberals....(I myself  am independent) but more liberals are asking for "help"....than  others....

       Also, many conservatives used to be liberals before they became disillusioned.

  15. They're just following the likes of Larry Craig.

  16. I see more Liberal whining than anything and yes, I read the from the same site you do.

  17. Since I have yet to be banned here I can not say much about yahoo.  HOWEVER, I have been banned on other forums due to the moderators' friendly discourse with liberal editorial contributors.  It was partially my fault that I used the same tactics as the person I was debating.....but they didn't get banned.

    See it's not the banning itself (we all do stupid stuff every now and then) but the selectivity that trends against conservatives and forgives the liberal violators.    It's the lack of objectivity that gets our goat.   This is why conservatives are hostile with mainstream media.  Even liberals find most news agencies biased towards their POV.

  18. I agree that many use words and forget in the 21st century any thing u say in a public forum will eventually come back to bite you in the a, just look at the President or the Senator from Iowa or the Senator from Florida or Clinton all of our unelected and elected offical need to think before they speak and ask them selves do I really want to hear this again the same thing we as americans need to do think before we speak things we ask and answer on this website could potentially come back to haunt us if we are not careful. companies ,government scan for infromation about americans that they are interested in hiring ,firing or for other reasons racial comments, slurs ,things we say against others

  19. Well actually, did John Adams ban news papers from critising his administration?

    For every example you give, i can give 10 of liberals whining.

    I will have to say, most of the trolls in politics seem to be liberals or conspiracy theorist.

  20. I am a conservative who makes his points without getting banned. I never pull any punches, nor do I do a lot of name calling. Maybe that has something to do with it. But I will tell you what happens to me. A day doesn't go by without getting email from brain dead liberals telling me to go that is funny, cause it is way to much fun showing how empty liberal arguments are.

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