
Why are so many dents always on the passenger side?

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The majority of cars I have noticed have dents on the passenger side.

Why is this?

I lost control off my car during a turn and hit a tree (A very small one) that left damage on the right side of my vehicle. It was under_steer, i got thrown out of the turn.

Am I wrong in thinking this is probably what happened to most other people too?




  1. i think most people tend to think more about themselves when they are driving and tend to focus more on what will occur on their side of the car then what will happen on the passenger side.

  2. 1. The passenger side is the side that gets hit by some idiot opening his/her driver's door in a mall or grocery store parking lot.

    2. It's easier to see out and look down on the driver's side of the vehicle. If you need to, you can just stick your head of the window and look out to help you avoid things. You can't do that on the passenger side. Most people find it harder to judge things on the passenger side.

    3. When you parallel park your car, people walking or on bikes bump up against the passenger side of the car.

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