
Why are so many girls so stupid?

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On this Yahoo! Answers, i have read:

-16 year old girls wanting to have babies

-13 year old asking if their fat

-a mom letting her 9 yr old daughter date a 16 yr old boy

-a girl asking how to marry a guy in jail

-a 15 asking if shes a s**t for sleeping with 20 guys

-12 year olds who can't spell asking about s*x advice...


Being a s**t gets you nowhere in life but gets ya some awesomly uncurable STD's. 1 in 4 girls has herpes... thats right, little girls!

Honestly, if you have ANY idea whats wrong with todays culture of teenage girls needing to dress like whores, sleeping around... i'd love everyones opinion... please.

ALSO, not every girl is like this, i've seen very good girls on here but about 95% are just really really stupid stupid girls.




  1. marketing, have you ever heard of Miley Cyrus, or Vanessa HUgends....sp???

  2. people live their life the way they want to.

    if they want to f@ck up their life then so be it

    it doesn't affect me whatsoever

    those girls will learn.

    when the 16 yr old gives birth to a screaming time consuming baby, she will realize.

    when the 15 yr old ends up with hiv and every other std known from sleeping with 459873409 guys, she will realize.

  3. I dont know but theres still some good girls out there!


  4. wow they all sound stupid to 12 years old and none of those things dont apply to me

  5. its because all the stupid guys drool over the stupid girls that are easy, S****y, the ones that spread their legs for them without them even having to ask

    nobody likes the decent girls anymore

    except me i don't like those kind of stupid girls

  6. im 14 but not stupid

    mainly little girls have a self lack of confidence and it gets annoying as h**l or just fish for compliments

    at least they should be proud for being who they are

    but im not saying i am conceited ..ha

  7. *NOTE*

    Some of those questions are probably from trolls.

    I am not like that at all.  I see where your coming from, some girls are so out of control and have no respect.

  8. who the h**l knows? im a 14 y/o girl and some of these people disgust me. i guess i blame crappy parenting.

    also, you have to remember that some of those people are trolls. im guessing the one about the 9 y/o dating a 16 y/o was a troll. nobodys that stupid (i hope).

  9. Yep and the other one that amazes me is when people ask am I pregnant? or could I be pregnant? If you don't know what can lead to a pregnancy then you shouldn't be having s*x in the first place.

  10. we dumb ourselves down to fit the guys needs. we need guys to complete us. i also think it is the influence of TV. [i know, bad example, my name being GOSSIP GIRL] but still. we also have all the pressure of society. everyday, girls see over 420 ads saying they're not good enough-that they'll never be skinny enough, pretty enough. we also think it's cool to be with an older guy, mostly because- if you notice--our moms are. [most of the time] i mean, theres a fourteen year difference between my aunt and uncle.


    gossip girl

  11. I agree with you, but not all of us are like that...I blame it on ourselves. It's easy to blame it on the media though, but we should blame ourselves because we are the ones who accept those terms of how we should lok/act or behave

  12. no guidance.

    and yes, some are trolls.

    my cousin is one of them, she comes from a broken home and she was "dumped off" with my grandma (her dad re-married had 2 more children, mom became depressed and abusive because her dad left her mom for the woman he cheated on her with) and not everyone has great parents. How do you know if some fo them were raped, abused, have "w***e" mothers that bring different men home. so i also find "By tina's" comment disgusting, she should get off her high horse.

  13. Honey, the majority of those girls/people are lying.  They do it to get a rise out of people.  Most of them are trolls.

  14. Half of the questions on here are fake.  They're just people looking for attention.  The real ones?  Well just be glad it's  not you.  Don't worrry about what other people are doing.

  15. well im not one of them but i must tell you....


  16. How do you know those aren't boys asking troll questions? Some of those sure sound like troll questions to me. There's stupid people from both genders.

  17. I agree w/ Vegetarian Chick... no guidance. These girls need to be raised w/ morals and values. I was raised to respect myself, plus, I don't want to set a bad reputation (or example) for myself. Guys may hook up w/ S****y girls, but they will never marry them.

  18. because so many PEOPLE are stupid!!!!!

  19. Easy, it's peer pressure, television, movies, the old "Gee am I s**y syndrome" we all want to be liked , popular, and loved.  That's what were sold every minute of every day.

  20. Obviously they have NO respect for themselves, they disgust me.  Now, now, its not ALL girls and you need to understand that.  Now I think its the parents fault because they can't control them or don't know how to!  They are PUSH OVERS!  Also society and t.v. affect this too.

  21. i dont know,but when i was 16  i was still a virgin and not even wanting to have s*x,i was scared of it(it was true)i was more worried about school,friends,and where my lifce is gonna be going in the future ya know?And i was more worried about my body when i was 12 but there is no problem with that,that is about the age when girls start feeling bad about their bodys.I got over it after a while.And i don't get the whole 9 year old dating a 16 year old...what the heck?but ya ok thats my opinion.And just so u know,not only girls are like this,ppl are.

  22. I blame the parents and TV.  You can't turn on the TV without seeing teenagers jumping into bed with each other...

  23. "Stupid" is the world's only inexhaustible resource, and comes in a million different flavors... all of them absolutely foul.

  24. Well not every girl is like that and i know you understand that.. But i guess all of that has become socially acceptable.

    I am a teen and i have always focused on doing well and great at school. I have vowed to stay pure until i am married to the right person and i have only surrounded myself with good people.

  25. Girls today are influenced so much by the media, what models/stars are doing, and it's the most depressing thing I've seen as of yet. I'm just a 12 year old girl, and I know that looks, beauty, whatever- is not life. You're supposed to live life to the fullest, and when you're all uptight about how you look, if your clothes fit, if this guy is looking at you, if you're in the right clique- you can't live life very much at all. Worrying about yourself is natural, in certain situations, but about looks, boyfriends, husbands (for a 15 year old?!)? This is unnatural but clearly is not an unusual part of society these days.

    The answer to WHY this is happening?


    Adults with jobs as p**n stars, models that are size 0's and considered beautiful (in America, at least)... today's girls look up to these people. That's the cause of all our girls becoming what we like to call "beautiful", "s**y", and "hot".

    I don't want to be one of these girls. Sure, no one wants to be overweight, but who wants to be a stick with bones and skin and nothing else? Work out, eat right... and don't throw up your frickin' food!


  26. Its all because of TV, Movies, and Clothing stores.

    Kids aren't allowed to be kids anymore, they are prepped to be pimped out from about age 6 and don't go outside and play. They dream of being a real life Bratz doll.

  27. im not one of the girls

  28. I know. it is not right. it is, in my opinion, all the media's fault. think: if more celebrities would get the discipline they need this wouldnt have happened. they think its cool.

  29. I'm 15.

    I have no intention of having s*x dating older men nor misbehave

    I see the world as it is

    A cruel place we need to survive in. Knowledge is the key to success in life without that nothing happens you get stuck on the street without anything good in your life and you think what did I do wrong? And you already know what you did and there are various reasons for that. (Like the ones you have listed)

    Huge thing about girls is all they want is attention from boys now and popularity thinking that if they are the best they will be happy.

    I wish it would all end... why can't they see the world as it REALLY is...

  30. I'm 13 goung on 14 in a month and not all irls are stupid yes some will sleep around but not alot. Alot of us girls now adays are so pressured to look good be skinny and all that. Like at my school to be popular you have to be gorgeous and to just joke about s*x all the time, what do you think it is like for the girls listening to that? By the way no one is stupid they just make the wrong choices.

  31. I let myself believe that the girls who ask these questions are sitting bored with their friends w/ nothing better to do.  Sorta like the prank calls we did when we were kids.  Now, i'm sure that some may be true, you only have to watch the news to see that, but I really believe that most of these questions are cranks.

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