
Why are so many highschool student getting pregnant?

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mostly they`re hispanic at my school . its ridiculous i see a new one every 10 minutes . and they`re mostly liek 14




  1. You are forgetting that not all teenage pregnancy are mistakes. MANY are planned.

    Why are so many highschool students getting pregnant? Because many highschool students are having s*x.

  2. Because parents and society have failed them. Teens are being allowed to grow up too fast.

  3. mostly hispanics?

    hmm rather racist arent you.

    they dont know how to keep there legs closed

  4. I think its because guys pressure them, their friends do too, there's s*x on TV, on movies and in songs and most girls don't have the right guidance. Most schools don't have abstinence or s*x ed. classes. Mine doesn't, but my parents tought me about s*x and pregnancies. Most girls don't know.

  5. thats cus the scool wont give em condoms

  6. Kids are having s*x at a younger age, and society and parents are not responding to the education and protection associated with s*x that kids need.

  7. Do you honestly have to ask why?  You know why.

    It's actually more sad that most of the people answering you dont know why themselves.  Here is why:

    Parents and schools mostly teach abstinence only.  They say "dont have s*x till your married."  Saying things like that to a teen makes a teen afraid to go to their parents for advice, for birthcontrol, for condoms, etc...  So instead of telling mom or dad "hey I need birthcontrol" and then talking about it, they dont ask, they just go out and do it.  They are afraid to buy condoms because they think they will get caught and someone tell their parents.  They dont get those free condoms from school because kids at school talk.  The problem now is abstinence needs to stop being the only thing taught.  Parents need to be teaching "you really should wait until you are married and in love to have s*x and I would prefer you to wait, but if you are sexually active it IS okay for you to come to me and I will help you get birthcontrol."  Simple as that.  But parents are so closed minded and think their one way teaching is the only way that works.  

    As for the parents blaming the media, tv, celebrities, songs, the schools etc...  you people are sad.  You DO NOT teach your child to follow what the TV says, whatthe media says, what celebrities are doing.  Why would you teach your child to follow?? And it is NOT the schools jobs to raise your child.  You cannot blame the schools for something YOU lacked in parenting.  

    Teens do not have s*x because it is "the cool" thing to do. They have s*x the same reason why adults do, because it feels good and you are (or mostly THINK you are) in love with the person.  

    Also you are noticing more teen pregnancies because we all noticed ONE (jamie lynn).  When you notice one, you notice them all.  

    As for the hispanic comment from you, thats just ignorance on your part.

  8. because there retarted

  9. In Texas, s*x Education programs are required to focus on abstinance, however, studies show that the number of teen pregnancies is not postively and may in fact be negatively effected by these teachings. Schools need to be more agressive in giving teen safe s*x education that focuses on contraception and STD prvention.

  10. because they're stupid

  11. well i think its absolutely disgusting.i'm almost 16 now and i cant imagine girls getting preg at my age.gosh i swear i'll never do it unless i'm atleast 25  and married and have a stable career.

  12. i think girls at young ahe have s*x couse sometimes there pushed it all has to do with peer pressure and its also them who take there advice.I just think people dont have self control over there wants of s*x

  13. well there is the fact that so many people just dont pay attention in s*x ed so thats what they get or they pay attention and just dont care because they think nothing will happen to them.having s*x at an early age like in your teens doesnt make you cool it puts you in danger and shows that they were to desperate to just wait for the right man. falling in love with a boy doesnt mean s*x it means patience wait for the day it will be worth it trust me.

  14. s*x Ed a lot of times is don't do s*x! Or you only get it once. They need to come in and tell kids s*x is this...and this is what you use. Some do it to get back at a parent or annoy a parent, some because they were sexually abused when they were younger and they focas love with that act. It has to do with a lot of things. Some do it because they just want to get pregnant.

  15. OK its because parents won't be parents and talk to their children about s*x

    tell their daughter what a guy will say to get in her pants

    then their son about stds, hoe males can alway have signs and that a girl at any age it pregnant can sue for child support

    and then the parents blame the schools for not teaching thier kids about s*x

  16. Trying to hard to be an adult(or what they think is adult behavior).Adult body's with children's brains.   Then they still have those same immature brains trying to raise kids. Sad, but is their on fault , people constantly try to help teenagers avoid heartache and headache. But, like the saying goes, "A hard head makes a soft ***". Some people like to learn the hard way

  17. well they don't get the love that they need from their they act out to get their parents attenion

  18. Many reasons:

    To some, it's a fad, babies are cute and u get some kind of respect if ur someone elses parent (usually).

    Some think it's Kool to have s*x, only aren't educated enough on tha topic to be doing so, and end up that way.

    But mostly, it's because teens often feel a need to be loved unconditionally, and may not be getting it CORRECTLY from home, they feel that a baby is tha answer.

    Also sometimes they'll  purposely do it, thinking that they'll keep their partner that way...

  19. do u know how much fun s*x is

  20. Two words: Unprotected s*x.

    ...Or the condom broke?

  21. cos they all think: 'oo look, am 14, i can do what ever i want now!  lets go have s*x with a boy i hardly know...'

    lol all think they grown up

  22. Because people's parents are too lax.  if they would set limits then their kids would be turning out kids so early

    (and yeah it is mostly hispanics that i see too)

  23. Stupidity?

    Your school needs to teach s*x ed. younger it seems.

    ...unless they use abstinence only education.

    then they need stop being dumbshyts and actually teach you something.

  24. Society tells them that it is ok to have a child. Just look at Jamie Lynn Spears, she is 17 years old, a new mother, is in the public eye and is on the cover of many magazines. Children see this and think that they can have s*x and not get pregnant. They do and then they don't realize that it costs a lot of money to care for a child when they are children themselves.

  25. Teens don't know how to control their pants. That's why i waited until i was 18 to have s*x..i didn't want a baby, an STD or the label of a ****. When I was 16, my friend had s*x and got pregnant..she loves her baby, but had to put off her dreams/ still hurts her today.

  26. because they want to.

    nobody tells you how to run your life.

    if they wanna have a baby and end their childhood, let them.

    i'm not saying it's right,

    i'm just saying that everybody has a right to do what they want.

    even if it's not the smartest thing in the world.


    NO i'm not pregnant and i don't have a baby and i don't plan on having one soon.

    i just feel really strongly on the subject of being able to do what you want.



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