
Why are so many in leaving this section?

by  |  earlier

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Mr Prince left yesterday (the exact day i decided to come)

and now my new friend Waqas is leaving

For some reason I am feeling that I am behind all this... LOL

Why dont people just stay and have fun????

oh what is the use I think I am leavin too......




  1. cause this section too addicted to leave though...:(

  2. I'm leaving in a fortnight. then I'm going to change my identity, username (just like the rest) and play you people.

    People who tell everyone they're leaving are just seeking some attention and sympathy. It's a good way of getting the girls to give you their numbers. "It's my last day on YA, I'm leaving for good, we can still stay in contact, take my number" ......... always works.  

  3. Why would you post this senseless dribble. There is no point, and now I want you to leave.  

  4. This Section is Filled with Hate and Lie

    How can I  Have Fun Here !?

    Thus I have left it long time ago ...  

  5. Because if you listen to the people on here, everything's haram. I guess we are just supposed to read Holy Quran and listen to Quran recitations and nasheeds 24 hours a day, except during prayer.

    Now put down those M&M's and get back to judging others.

  6. I'm leaving because I gave up on religion.

  7. Ramadan a most boring section. So many racism and favourism.

  8. How can you have fun around people who call sunnis ugly for no reason

    and blame Abu Bakr for the rain.. May Allah reward such a man for this BACKBITING against him InshaAllah

    Well it aint funny. You see anyone laughing. :\ no. Maybe you should get a life instead of hating on people. Go do dhikr or summink :S

  9. Theres no point in coming here, a few months ago it was much more fun. Everyone got along and had a laugh but someone stirred things up with Shias...nows its the Arabs and Ahmadis turn.

    I used to spend about 6 hours in a day but now I rarely come on. Old users have left and most new users cause arguements. Most people here dont know me anymore...

  10. Many r leaving coz Ram is comin up, they'll be here after Ram inshallah.

  11. Dont leave.

  12. yeps they must have lives...............

    MashAllah to them :P`

  13. hmm no clue..

    LOL @p**i Chap :D

  14. People leave and new people come.

    Different faces, same people.

  15. cuz they got lives now

    @ PM lool i said sunnis are ugly :P

    im only jokin u no  :D

    edit - im not askin anyone to laugh

    tho ... :|

  16. i think because it use to be a fun place to talk about relgious beliefs,then people chose to make it a battleground on whos relgious beliefs are the "truest"

  17. Why are you leaving  no Fair

  18. This life is test for all the humans to recognise and obey the Almighty God. Every moment is  a test. Few may be tested by wealth, poverty, health problems, death of the near and dear, loss of property and so many things. U cannot find an individual who is not undergoing this test of this life. Be it George Bush or Bill Gates or a poor man from Ethiopia. So for you this is the test. This is God’s plan for all of us. Same time man is given a Free-Will to act. He can go right or wrong. He can do good or bad. This discussion has to be concluded with only one answer (ie) to have “Faith in Unseen”. For a simple reason, “Faith in Unseen”forms the basis of today’s science and electronics. The boundary of the universe is 13 billion light years away from earth. It keeps expanding at the speed of light. One light year is the distance travelled by light in one year. In 1 second light travels 300000Kilo meters. Sun light takes 8 minutes to reach earth from the time of emission. We cant even imagine 1 light year.  We can only keep of adding 10 raised to so many powers using our super computers, but cant perceive as a human. Same goes with several “Blind Faiths” in today’s science like Infinity, Photon etc. Meditation is part of the religion. It helps man to control his actions and lead his life with perseverance and patience.

  19. right not sure ,maybe racist users are takin over! :)

  20. Don't leave

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