
Why are so many of us women clueless about technology?

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My husband and I just recently bought a new entertainment system (HDTV, Tivo, surround sound, DVD, etc.) and I figured I'd try figuring the thing out while he was at work. Holy c**p I wanted to kill myself after a few hours, I couldn't figure out the d**n thing! I called all my friends to see if they could help me and none of them had a clue. So finally I went over to my g*y neighbor and he came over and fixed the whole thing up in like ten minutes! I felt really embarrassed.

Do you think maybe women depend too much on men to know these types of things that we just don't educate ourselves?




  1. Girls focus more on fashion and other stuff like that normally. Guys usually like technology more. A guy has to have a big screen to watch football right?

  2. no most of your generation is clueless about techonology

  3. I'm not. Speak for yourself.

  4. speek for ur self im fine

  5. I would ask the old people who dont know how to record on a video tape, they may have a better insight.

  6. ummm why are u assuming us all women are like that?!  And yes u already kno the answer, educate ur self on these things!

  7. A lot of women will claim they know how to do these things, majority of them don't. It just appeals more to boys then girls. Simple as that and i'm not being sexist.

  8. I think it depends on the person. I have grown up around technology since I was a kid, and I know a lot more than most people about computers and all that kind of stuff than a lot of my female friends.

    I'm also the kind of person who wants to know how everything works, and I try to educate myself about everything.

    Anyway, depends on the person for sure.

  9. Many women do but only because society conditions females as they grow up. Few parents teach their daughters about fixing things or about how mechanical and technological things work.

    Women's brains are just as capable of understanding and learning these things. But most women are never given the same opportunities and encouragement to learn them as males are.

    If you are conditioned that way from a young child, you will quickly lose all confidence in your own ability to tackle these things and you will just automatically switch off in later years when faced with them.

    Have a look on the internet sometime at how many females are engineers of all kinds. There are some surprisingly famous ones. Women can do it if they are given the same kind of chances that men are.

  10. yes i think that SOME women are like that. thankfully i am not one fo them. and nor are any of my friends.

  11. I have never had a problem with technology. I fix the computer for my bf and go around to my parents place to fix the DVD player.

  12. I've never had that problem.

  13. Don't know I think us guys just need to teach you a thing or too since we spend all our time playing computer games and watching tv.  Any girlfriend of mine will learn how that stuff works.

  14. The toys are for the boys..  Figure they usually are the ones setting the movies up anyways.  Just get yourself aquainted with it in your own time..  Surely doesn't make you less intelligent.  At least your not a couch potato!!

  15. It's due to male "monkey-grabbing" behaviors mostly.  Go to a nursery school sometime with a gadget or tool that would be safe for young children to explore and watch what happens.  The males will dominate the females for exploration rights.  As soon as a female picks up the gadget for her turn to explore it, male "monkey-grabbing" behavior begins in which boys absoultely itch to take it away for themselves and if not supervised with just shove the girl down and claim it.  Same with other large primates.  It's the "fishing pole" phenomenon that girls experience frequently.  Men CAN NOT keep their hands off a little girl's fishing pole the moment she gets a hit.  Women learn young to back away with new technology when males are present because of that "monkey-grabbing" lack of self-control.  Think back to your childhood.  Remember?  "Here, let me have it", says Grandpa, "I'll put the batteries in it for you" (SNATCH!)  : )  Parents of daughters must monitor closely for male monkey-grabbing behavior from both boys AND adult males in order to allow young females to explore technology when males are present.

  16. Why are men clueless about makeup?

  17. Well I guess you and your friends do. Thankfully most women don't. You should work on that.

  18. You can depend on me, baby. jk jkj jk idk I just think that boys know more about these things because they're interested in them. Like, girls are mad players at Barbie Land: Dreams of a Princess Warrior v2.32 Extreme. You see what I mean?

  19. It's very simple: not enough of us learn. I fully intend to learn how to fix things within the next few years.

  20. they r just 2 vain and care about gossip jewelry make up kids or their job

  21. As long as some women are dependent on their partners to sort out technological stuff of course they're not going to learn anything. My partner is completely into computers and technology (it's his job) so of course he's going to know more than me. But whenever he does anything on the tv / computers that I don't know how to do I watch him and by doing so I learn how to do stuff myself.

  22. I don't think it's all women. I think it's the women you chose to put yourself with... because I know a variety of women that can fix anything instantly and others who are clueless.

    It usually just takes observation, experience, and reading to fix or set up anything.

  23. yup..

  24. Erm speak for yourself but I don't rely on hubby for technology. I do things myself and have to do it for my dad/husband. I WAS HORRIFIED WHEN MY SISTER SAID SHE DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO TURN ON HER dvd  PLAYER

    oops sorry for caps

  25. i think its cos women are inferior

  26. Nice one, thanks for making me feel special.

  27. Depends on the women-I'm a computer programmer and my best female friend is an engineer and my boy friend works with electronics. We share our knowledge and can figure out just about any device between the three of us.

    fyi-this may interest you-the majority of women are not clueless when it comes to technology-especially electronics:

    "In conjunction with the 2004 Consumer Electronics Show and its "Technology is a Girl's Best Friend" sub-theme, CEA released their most recent findings on consumer demographics, and what they uncovered surprised many retailers. Along with many other, more specific discoveries (women are early adopters; a majority of women buy electronics for themselves, rather than as a gift for others), they determined that "women are involved in 89 percent of all consumer electronics purchase decisions":

    Also from the same article-guess who also likes computers:

    "The Pew Internet and American Life Project, for example, found that about as many college women as college men played video games, while slightly more college women played computer games than college men."

    Obviously plenty of us depend on yourselves when it comes to technology..

  28. Men are typically interested in buying new expensive things to show off.  If they didn't know how to plug up game systems and televisions and hook up sound systems they would look like chumps.

    Also, They don't seem interested in the computer fields in college courses, were they are dominated by men for some reason.

  29. I'm not clueless when it comes to technology but a major beef I have with electronic gadgets is that they tend to come with features or buttons I never use. It would be nice to have a remote control where I actually use all the buttons instead of having all these extra ones that don't work and I don't know what they're intended for.

  30. Its because men find technology fascinating an sad to say women don't. Men love gadgets an women like shopping. I know that's generalized but often true. I am sure there are plenty of women here that know how to build a TV from old coke bottles an tree bark an will make you fee l even better about yourself.

  31. well what kind of grades did u make in sschool? if they were bad then there ya go. yer retarded. but if they were good dude idk. take it back and say you couldnt figure it out they should give u an even bigger tv. =P

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