
Why are so many parents letting their adult 20's & 30's yr old children live at home?

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Not necesarily even paying thier own way...why aren't you making them grow up?




  1. I do that because my parents split when I was very young and my Mom is very sensible and depresses very easily...

    I would love to live alone, however I'm staying because I hate to see her alone...

  2. they pamper them too much but dont realize that its not a good thing

    cuz they dont learn to be independent

  3. i think you will find that the Mom,s  make it hard for the Dad to say it is time for the child to grow up /

       It can get real sticky for a man when he trys to defend his feelings on the subject so he finds it better off to back off !!

      The times of a guy wanting to become a man as soon as possible is long gone but i can say this ,when the end  comes and mommy and daddy didnt leave money to pay thier way in life i pitty the youth of today !!!!!

    And the girls want babies but for mom to raise _!!!!  Go figure  

  4. I think a lot of it may have to do with the mess the economy is in nowadays.  Rent is expensive, so is everything else.  If a child in their 20's and beyond lives with their parents, they should help pay expenses.

  5. I guess some parents don't want their children to grow up.

    My mom says I can live with her forever...but that's not happening.  

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