
Why are so many people against Hillary for Pres??

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Having a woman in office will do this country alot of good.




  1. It is mainly because she is so closely associated with the 21 times indicted WJ Clinton and that extremely corrupt administration.  In addition, her past stated view points have been left wing to nearly the point of communism.  Thirdly, her egomaniac attitude has been all too apparent for a long time.

  2. I can't answer for "people," but I look at just about all the candidates and wonder why they think they know how to run my life (and yours, and everyone else's) without ever having met me. The proposals put forth by Ms. Clinton et al suggest they think I'm just too dumb to be trusted with saving for my own retirement, choosing what kind of health care coverage I need, or figuring out if a home loan is too expensive for me. I can't be trusted to make decisions about seat belts, gas mileage, my children's education, or anything else. And if I'm too dumb for all that, then clearly I'm too dumb to vote for them, regardless of gender. I know Ron Paul's got virtually no chance, but (assuming he stays in after today and is on the ballot in Indiana), I can vote for him without feeling I'm being asked to put my life in the care of someone who doesn't care about what I want for myself.

  3. it's not people, its Republicans who are against her...Republicans are patriarchal, they can not fathom that a woman will be telling them what to do... they'll listen to a man wearing a white hood, or a goats head, but they won't listen to a woman.

  4. I am not convinced she is a woman.  I am not convinced she is human.  She is an excellent political machine.  I would not want her in my life in any capacity.

  5. Because they've been duped by that racist ex-crackhead from Illinois.

  6. There republicans...... lol     they think obama can  take over white house  He needs to stop smoking..and he does not have the expense......

  7. Because when some look at her they see a Woman. well she is not, she is a woman with a great mind who has the abillity to govern this contry and act for the best interest of the people.

  8. lol i hate people on y! answers, they're so stupid

  9. You need to think about Hillary as a human being, rather than a woman.  I think your idea of a good president is skewed by that double X chromosome trait.  Having "A" woman in the White House isn't the issue.  Having THAT woman in the White House is for us.

    Consider how she has used her life.  

    1. She married Bill Clinton for power, not for love.  His s******g around is much older than his Presidency.  Most reasonable women with any self-respect will leave a loser who can't commit himself to her.  She didn't and she won't.

    2. She is running her campaign and the debates on the FACT that she is a SHE.  You need a better reason than a protected  status for us all to make you Pres.  Also, she moved to New York explicitly for the purpose of getting into the Senate.  Anyone in NY who has paid any attention to her knows that she has no real love for her constituents.

    3. She makes many many promises which involve spending astronomical amounts of money that the U.S. doesn't have.  In order to help the many poor poor helpless people get Healthcare in this country, she proposes a law that will FORCE all of us to have Health Insurance.  If we do not, we will have our wages garnished towards that purpose.

    4. Have you noticed how she has used Bill so much to forward her Campaign?  Bill has charisma out the Wazoo, but Hillary, while a cool calculator, does not have that naturally lovable personality.

    In short, she cares about nothing but power and control over this nation and all of its inhabitants.  And anyone who spends this much of their lives seeking out nothing else has no business being in political office.

    THAT is why we despise and hate her so much.

  10. She is all about power, her and her husband, she doesn't really care about anyone or anything. She will be terrible as a president, and she is a fake, don't let her fool you. I don't like her,and I hope she does not win. We will be in big trouble, black and white in general. She is a witch, you did not know that? Let me tell you something, so many woman hate Hillary, it's not just me... Woman of all colors, not just the blacks.  She and her lies, she has not done anything for the United States, nothing at all..

  11. becuse she is a woman and that is dum im all for her

  12. Bill had a woman in his office and it only did ummmm

  13. I couldn't disagree with you more ways on that question. I get my  points, but I doubt you would pick my answer to be best lol. Her views and sometimes close association with Bill (when he is not busy or on the phone) keeps her on my farthest pole in choice. Bill will be a distraction to her like he is now on the campaign trail.

  14. Hillary is unelectable in the general election. Too many Americans HATE her...

    The ONLY reason anybody knows who she is is because of her husband.

    She would not be a Senator in N.Y. she would not be running for President.

    Her experience means nothing as most of it is tied to her husbands achievements. She by herself has done NOTHING!!!

  15. To paraphrase Abe Lincoln (The last good Republican President?) You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time....Look at Sandra's answer that should be an indication as to which group is against Hillary.

  16. she has no plan for social security ... besides it was the dems that privatized that in the first place , also she has no balls with her husband how could I trust her with an enitre country? , watergate issues and unanswered questions, also she was the lawyer for the black panthers but you dont hear that mentioned anywhere. they have a house in harlem just for the minority vote... but i beleive clinton NEVER put a minority in office.she is not trust worthy to me...neither is obama.

  17. I also can't understand why so many people are against Hillary for President. I absolutely agree that having a woman in office will do this country lots of good. I think Hillary has the experience and the skills to run this country. But once elected her job will not be that easy. There are alot of problems that Bush has created which she must solve.

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