
Why are so many people against OBAMA being president ?

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He clearly is the best candidate for the job !




  1. cuz he's wrong.he wants to kill babies

  2. Because they're informed.

  3. Honestly?  He hasn't even been a Senator long enough to even know how things work.  He lacks experience period.    

  4. Because of his association with a convicted terrorist (Ayers).

    Look at it this way - Obama can never qualify for a security clearance due to his connections and associations with terrorists.  Can we trust a man like this with all of a nation's secrets?

  5. It may be a legal choice a woman can make, but some choices are flat out wrong...

    In terms of why I'm personally against Obama it's because he has no experience, does not have conviction enough to stand for a single thing without deciding to turn his back on his original stance if he sees it's politically more popular to flip/flop than stand firm, he emphasizes "globalist" rather than American positions... all in all I question his love of country (all he has to say are negatives about America) and am terrified by what he proposes (his stances on taxes and redisbursement of wealth SCREAM that he has NO clue about basic economics and that he is a socialist)...

    He's a bad choice when you look at what he stands for.

  6. Because Republicans vote against people not fore people. They don`t vote for representatives they vote for father figure that think they know best, especially in times of fear.

  7. Obama tends to see redistribution of wealth as the solution to poverty. He is in favor of higher taxes on the rich and relief for the poor. His model is best for those who are poor because of unavoidable circumstances.

    “Economic justice” and “restoring fairness to the economy” are two of Obama’s favorite oratory favorites. Who can oppose justice and fairness? To many Obama disciples, though, those words mandate not just equality of opportunity but a socialistic equality of result. Some in the general public would be less rhetorically transfixed if they understood the code.

    Poverty is indeed caused by unfortunate circumstances, but it is also caused by laziness, oppression & disintegration of the family.

    The Democrats seem to promise programs for the poor, and they make the poor dependent on government, so that the poor will continue to need more government programs. There is no end to the spiraling cost of mandated programs that Obama supports.

    Before the implementation of many of the Great Society programs, the percentage of people living below the poverty level was 13.6 percent. Twenty years later, the percentage was still 13.6 percent.

    We need a welfare system that emphasizes work and initiative and does not foster dependency and laziness. Our welfare state may want to be generous with money given to programs which are supposed to help the poor, but they are stingy on reciprocal human responsibility. Compassion sometimes means tough love in which those who give must demand self-help from those who receive.  

    86% of all income taxes are paid by the top 25% of income earners and Obama still feels that the rich "aren't paying their fair share of the taxes”. The federal income tax system is unfair. The death tax should be abolished. Taxpayers should be given the option of a single income tax rate of 17%. The U.S. has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the industrialized world making it difficult for U.S. corporations to compete internationally which gives incentives for companies to move overseas.

  8. because he hasn't got a clue on foreign policy.  He has flip-flopped on a least two issues. He is promising more govt programs(socialism) and and little experience

  9. Obama is unfit to be the President.

    Obama's associations with convicted mobster Tony Rezko, his asscoiatons with confessed Terrorists William Ayres and Bernardine Dohrn and the so called "Reverend Wright" demonstrate the very poor judgment Obama uses in choosing his associates.

    One of the most important jobs of the President is to appoint Cabinet members and select advisors who have expertise in both domenstic and foreign affairs, as well as appoint and nominate Federal Judges.

    Barack Obama has demnstrated very poor judgment in the past with respect to the people that he turns to for advice.

    That pattern would continue if Obama wins the Presidency.

    Also Obama does not have any effective plans to help this bad economy that we have and Obama does not have any effective plans that would reduce gasoline prices that are destroying the ability of American families to support themselves and pay their mortgages.

    When Obama was aked about the dramatic price rises of gasoline, Obama's response was that he wished that the price rise had been more gradual so that people could adjust to it.

    The proper response to the high cost of gasoline is not to adjust to it. The proper response is to figure out how to reduce gasoline prices.

    Obama has no effective plan for that.

  10. well myself unlike most people I spend hours and hours researching and I follow politics.I am against him because I am informed.Most for him have no clue about anything but I always hear-I like what he sais..that is so weak to be fooled that easy.Or I wanna get out of Iraq.Main reason and the answer to the question is they are against him because they actually know something and are informed citizens.If you do your homework you too will see he is no good so I encourage you to do so.VOTE INFORMED NOT FOOLED...take care

  11. In any election, you'll have a lot of people against one candidate. A lot of people are against McCain, he's basically stepping in to continue the Bush legacy. And that legacy is most of his supporters.

  12. Because he is clearly not the best candidate for the job.

  13. He's a flip- flopper. And it scares me to death to think he might be our next president, with all the rhetoric he has behind and in front of him.. that's why.

  14. He is considered to be far away from the middle ground, too different from previous president material and too green around the edges to be trusted the job of looking after the US of A.

    What makes  you so sure that he is the best candidate. Many will disagree with you on that one.

  15. Fear, racism, propaganda!

  16. Take the person out and you have socialism, that is not what made our country the super power it once was. His rhetoric will do nothing but bring our standards down like all other socialist views have brought down many other societies.Maybe you need to read Carl Marx, and see what you don't have in common, I bet very little..

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