
Why are so many people against formula feeding?

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I could not breastfeed my daughter due to something medical related, so i formula feed/fed her, and a lot of people have been "bashing" me for it, i mean i know im not providing nurishment from my own body but i am still providing nurishment. My daughter is still bonding with me. I am just curious as too why people are so against it, and if u are please do not post in here bashing me, you will be reported.




  1. Because people are judgmental morons! whew! I personally breastfeed my son and i always have to freakin hide in the car every time he wants to eat, cause even if i am wearing the nursing tank covered with a nursing cover you can't see anything but my baby's feet and top of his head people still give me dirty looks. So Now, I tell everyone "I DO NOT CARE WHAT YOU PEOPLE THINK! I CARE WHAT I THINK! DO YOUR THING AND I WILL DO MINE!" Do what you think is best for you and your baby. Stop worrying about other people, they will always find something to say about someone.

  2. If you cant breast feed for medical reasons then that is not your fault at all. People do need to stop being so rude to each other on here. The reason they would be bashing you though is because they presume you are formula feeding because you choose not to breast feed and they think that that is selfish because breast milk is best. So just ignore them because they do not know your full story. People shouldnt judge others so just ignore them hun.

  3. I too was bashed for not breastfeeding my babies--I tried, it just didn't work out. While I agree that breastmilk is the ideal food for babies I don't see any harm in giving formula, in fact, my babies thrived on it! I think some people bash others for not breastfeeding because it makes them feel like they are a better mom for breastfeeding. It's a shame people can't keep their opinions to themselves and comment on how healthy, beautiful, smart, etc. your child is and how happy they are for you instead!

  4. Because human breast milk is the best food on the planet for human babies. Science and conglomerate corporations do a bang up job making a formula that will nourish and feed a baby, but it doesn't compare to the antibodies and the nourishment a baby's mother's milk can provide.

    Will your child live and thrive on formula?

    Of course.

    All things being equal your breast milk would be better for your child, however you cannot nurse her so that's a moot point, isn't it?

    Some people are too selfish to make a commitment to breast feeding their babies. So maybe some of these formula bashers wonder if that describes YOU. so the next time someone says something to you simply say " oh, sigh, i would have loved to breast-feed her ( whether that's true or not) but i couldn't because a) she couldn't tolerate my milk, b) i couldnt produce enough,c) she was allergic, whatever.  That should pretty much end their rants.

    Although, I have to say with your  " anyone bashing me will be reported" snipe, you seem awfully thin-skinned.  Be more confident in yourself and in the choices you make as a mother, because believe me plenty of people are going to disagree with whatever you do, from the name you pick, to how you feed, what diapers you use, when you introduce solids, methods of discipline, etc etc etc.

    Good Luck!

  5. I couldnt breast feed either for specific reasons. And there is nothing wrong with not breastfeeding. Some people just believe what they read and dont ask for personal reasons or they are just old fashioned and think that they are right. WHo knows why people do what they do or say what they say. BUt dont feel bad. You are taking care of your baby to the best of your ability and thats what matters.Best of luck.

  6. Some people feel that their way is the only way.  It is annoying, frustrating, and wrong.  I had one person tell me that maybe I shouldn't be having kids if I'm not going to breastfeed!  I was like, are you serious!?!  I've learned to brush off ignorant people who can not understand why someone would do something differently than themselves.

    You shouldn't even have to justify why you are formula feeding.  It is your choice.  Make it.  Stand by it.  Be proud of it.  End of story.  Good luck.

  7. Because women were gifted with b*****s specifically to feed their infants and to do otherwise is unnatural.

    But then again, neither are ultrasounds, vaccinations, airplanes, prenatal surgery, vitamin supplements, strollers, computers, cameras, or automobiles.

    Try pointing that out to them next time.

  8. Breast feeding is the healthiest for of feeding for newborns, so it is the most encouraged manner of feeding. But I understand your position, my wife was not able to breast feed either due to having a breast reduction a few years ago. No one bashed her for it, but I do know it happens. I think it's only because some parents want to act like they are being a better parent than others. Those people are the ones who have issues and try to build themselves up by putting others down. Your child will be fine, and you can still have great bonding with your baby. Don't let anyone discourage you.

  9. i wouldnt worry what people say. i couldnt breastfeed my 1st due to low supply, my 2nd was lactose intolerant so had to be fed special formula & my 3rd is 16days old & im bottlefeeding him because of the stress from the last 2 times trying to breastfeed. im very comfortable with my decision & dnt care whay people think. we bond just as well as breastfed babies.

    keep up the gd work & stay strong.

  10. breast IS best however there are people like yourself that have very good reason for not breastfeeding. its good that you wanted to and im sorry you werent able to. x

  11. i breastfed my son for awhile but now he is on formula. dnt listen to stupid ppl!

    they act like they re better mothers. the ones that talk smack!  

  12. i breastfeed my 2 kids, and i have alot of my friend's baby who are formulas, and their kids are still healthy.. so i perfer to breastfeed my kids because it s much easier for me, and Less cost.. so really i think breastmilk and formulas are almost the same.. just dont listen to other people.. ur kids are healthy! good luck  

  13. Its not rely that we are AGAINST formula, we are just WITH Breast milk. I totally understand, and feel for you if you are unable because of a medical condition (unless your talking about inverted nipples or something because that's not RELY a reason, that just kinda an excuse) but anyhow...

    Breast milk is just MUCH MUCH better for baby, there immune system, there development, especially their brains development, depends strongly on what you are feeding them, and breast milk IS the best.

    But people who have legitimate medical conditions should not be made to feel bad for their inability. ITS NOT YOUR FAULT. Please don't let other people convince you that it is any fault of yours. Every mother just does the best job we can for our little ones, and you should NEVER be made to feel like a bad mommy.

  14. Oh honey! Don't feel bad! I formula fed all three of my children and they are ALL healthy and perfect! It doesn't make you any less of a great mom!

  15. breast milk is the best for baby, so a lot people will recommend you to breast feed your baby. those that bashing you for it, may not know that you cannot breast feed due to medical related. if they knew, then it's their wrong but don't put it in your heart.

    i cannot breastfeed my baby because i got a lump in my breast after delivery. a lot ppl also show concern on why i didn't breast feed my baby, but i explain to them why i cannot breast feed and they accept it.

    try to explain to them, if they're not listening, don't mind them.

  16. Because people can be very rude. I was bad mouthed for months about wanting to breastfeed once the baby gets here, by my husband's mother. She didn't understand why I would want to do such a thing.

    People tend to only think of them self's, and not about your feelings.

  17. *grins* I like the last part of your question.

    Some women bash us formula feeding women because they don't understand our circumstances. I guess in their world, all women can breastfeed, and those who don't are doing it because of their own selfish reasons. They don't understand that some of us really can't breastfeed.

  18. if formula wasnt good for your baby, then they wouldnt sell it! serious, i bottle fed my son, and he is one of the smartest kids i know! i wouldnt worry about old fashoined fuddy duddies opinions. the only thing that matters is that you and your baby are happy and healthy, and if bottle feeding makes you both that way, then you're doing your job! :D stay happy!  

  19. Who cares what other people say!  Some people are rude and thing they know it all.  Breast milk is best nourishment because it is natural but if you can't breast feed, formula is just as good and your baby will develop the same as if you would have breast fed.  I know many moms who breast fed one kid and not the other.  All kids turned out to be the same.

  20. Because its selfish and stingy and you are killing your baby. LOL I AM JUST PLAYING! i really think its bcuz nursing got such a bad rep. for so long that now people are bending over backwards to make it more socially acceptable that now everyone is biased about formula feeding. your baby is eating...your a good mom!

  21. Breast milk has been proven to be more nutritios for the baby. I'm against it but obviously you can't get around it so nothing against you, i'm glad there is formula for people in your situation, however if you can breast feed you should, lots of people don't because of there lifestyle (they get babysitters alot) or because it hurts at the start.

  22. I find that more people bash me for breast feeding like it is a dirty thing.Try breast feeding in public even if you cover yourself up. I feel as long as you feed your baby it doesn't matter how. Breast feeding isn't for every one I had a lot of trouble with my first son and had to stop for many reasons at about 4 weeks. This time around I am still having a lot of trouble at 6 and a half months but I am more prepared.

    So dont worry about what people think or say know you are doing whats right for you and your baby


  23. who knows why people are against it.  Yes nursing is better on so many levels,but there is formula out there for a reason.

    I nursed all 5 of my evil runts, and with baby at 4 months I just couldn't take the migraines anymore.  I've always had them, I just quit taking meds while prego and nursing.  It became unbearable so we switched to formula.  

    Shes 8 months and is still healthy, loved, and well bonded.

    As long as it works for you and your lil one that's all that matters.  

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