
Why are so many people against the DEAM act?

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the people that would be benefiting from this would be the kids whose parents brought them here illegally when they were little.i mean how can you consider someone who had no choice,and no say in coming to this country. i am FOR securing the borders.i am NOT pro-illegal,but i mean come on,these kids had absolutely no say.ive heard many people say that its not fair that legal residents cant go to college because they cant afford it,and its not fair that illegals do,but in this country there are numerous scholarships opportunities and universities all around.Many people say that these kids should try to legalize their status,but isnt this exactly what the DREAM act is? a way for these kids to get a college education, and legalize their status,so they pay taxes and are productive citizens?




  1. Say two parents are US citizen's living in the Philippines have a teenager going to college, and the parent breaks the law,and the punishment is deportation what should be done?

    Yes everyone goes home for one foolish selfish person who chose to involve a family in such an act.

  2. Because it rewards criminal behaviors.

    I may feel sorry for the kids, but even if you grant them amnesty, that will in fact encourage even more parents to enter illegally for the benefit of their children.

    And the USA citizens will continue to pay and pay and pay.  No good deed goes unpunished.

    We shouldnt have to pay to support the illegal actions of non US citizens.

    These kids have only their parents to blame.   They may have had no choice in coming here......but when they turned 18, they became legally responsible for their own choices and actions.  Staying here illegally is a choice and an action.  A criminal one.

    At the age of adulthood it is time to man up, put on the big boy boxers, and deal with your own situation and not whine about "its not my fault".

    No Dream Act.  Not now, not ever.

  3. So you believe that if I beat your child to death my child should be rewarded? Isn't this the same thing? The parents commit a crime and you want to reward the children for it! What other crimes should the children be rewarded for? Murder, rape, child molestation? It isn't the child's fault that the parents are criminals but that doesn't mean we should reward them! We should deport them!

  4. Lets see.........The parents of these kids broke the law and both have already been rewarded greatly.

    Lets look at a child brought here at the age of 4 who is now 18 and ready for college.  If they are in my state they will automatically get all social services (welfare, foodstamps, WIC checks, housing, medical coupons, etc) because the department of social and health services employees cannot ask for proof of residency - VALUE about $30,000 or more.  Then they got well over $10,000 per year for their education.  VALUE at least $120,000 but likely more then $150,000.

    These items were paid for by TAXPAYERS.  Illegals pay little to no FEDERAL taxes.

    Now we are expected to treat them BETTER then we treat the children of legal citizens who have always paid taxes, not utilized any social services and paid for their own medical.  Not only that but we are taking that persons tax money and giving it to the child of an illegal!!!


  5. The Dream Act is ENORMOUSLY expensive.  And in fact, we have a choice.. we take care of the home boys, or we take care of the children of the illegal aleins.

    The illegal aliens did that to their children.. not the American People.  They broke the law.. they came and they knew they were breaking the law.  I do not want to reward the illegal aliens, who are criminals, who knew they were breaking the law.  I don't want to do that now.. and I don't want the world to think that if THEY broke the law and came, we would provide educations to them also.

    When I went for my first degree, I worked three jobs, and did not sleep just a whole lot.  There are millions of American Citizens in the same boat.. and nobody paid for my education.  I borrowed.. I worked.. I got there.  And I was one of many Americans who did that.  If someone wants to pay the debts those folks ran up.. yes.  But not the debts of the illegal aliens.

    We need doctors.. our citizens cannot afford to go to school and get those degrees.  But you want me to pay the fees for a group of people who broke the law and now, in confrontation after confrontation, demand the DREAM Act?  NOT A PRAYER.

    Finally, ... I don't want them to legalize their status.  In order to have been here this long, those people had to use a fake I.D.  That is a felony offense.  We don't have any idea how far that has gone, and we don't have any idea how many unpaid debts those people have created.  They have 'floated' in our society and one thing they did NOT do is show much respect for this country.

    Go home.  Tell their country to take care of their people.  Leave the American Taxpayer alone.

  6. Rewarding criminal behavior leads to...more criminal behavior.

    If you're wondering what happened to your dream, ask your parents what they had planned for your future when they brought you into the country illegally.

  7. I honestly dont know why people are all upset about this its kinda sad really the argument that you will reward bad behavior is laughable but thats my opinion. I live in Texas and thanks to HB 1403 me a 100% "illegal" can pay instate tuition an attend university, I can also apply for scholarships that non US residence can apply(There are few and far between and more often than not you have to have a 3.5 or better trust me i had a 3.5 and when my gpa dropped to 3.0 i lost both my scholarships.) I am not bragging or thumbing my nose at the "problem" My parents arent rich they are hard working janitors BOTH OF THEM yet we pay out of OUR pockets my tuition I think similar bills should be put into effect throughout the US and for those special few that really want it can achive anything they want Texas shouldnt be the only state that allows kids the opportunity to attend university. Maybe its fear .....fear that there is a growing population that is "illegal" but can compete.. dare i say beat americans to those coveted spots in the universities or even winning scholarships that others see as a right. Immigration is just fear just as it was fear of race or religion americans are simply affraid(maybe not americans but definetly american politicians) of the can of worms they will open with the DREAM act it is the same reason they dont support a overhall of immigration policy since the years of Regan people are simply content not knowing who cleans or cuts or cooks for them if people really knew the number of illegals living in the US there definely would be changes to the current laws.

  8. Because it's a nightmare for the citizens. It's not my fault they came here and we as a society shouldn't have to pay and suffer for it nor should our children.

  9. You assumed those kids have NO CHOICE. But when they graduate from college, they do have the choice to make their own living, getting marriage or move to other country. Staying in USA is not only option. It is their desirable option.

    I am a immirgrant from Asia recently. I had applied green card throught my company. USA has the most tolerable law to accept immigrant. I don't agree with Dream Act. It would encourage illegal immigrant to smuggle into USA. Your opinion did not encourage to obey law, but to against law.

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