
Why are so many people concerned with what other people believe in?

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What does it matter to a christian that an atheist does not believe in god.

As I am sure an christian would be the first to promote free thinking.

So why is everyone so bothered. Why do we feel the need to impose our views on other people? So many people have died over these beliefs, why?

Excuse me for being a giant hypocrite, as I myself enjoy convincing someone that I am right. But why?




  1. I am a catholic and sometimes it irritates when when an atheist asks me a question like "why do you believe in SOMETHING you haven't even seen??"

    For me, I dont mind if youre an atheist. You believe that you have no reasons for believing in a higher power then that'ts totally fine. But sometimes, it's not always the christians that provoke this argument. Atheists do also. They impose their beliefs of not believing in anything and christians are just giving back a feedback to what they had just said. If its okay for them to say what they want to say, why cant we do the same thing?? And the problem is, when we do it, they say that we're "trying to convert them into christianity". total bs.

    And i do believe that our religion has gone many ways. I might add, im not proud of many of them however, as the government is to the people, I believe that religion is to the heart. Some people call themselves christians without truly believing and understanding what they're doing. They just want the title. And whats even worse about it is, when they do something bad, they say that its God's will.

    If people believe in God, then they do. Respect it. If they don't then they dont. Im not your typical lousy christian. I believe in religious tolerance and privacy. Mind your own business kind of thing.

    If someone comes up to you and asks why you believe in God, then tell them why. If they counter that, then who's being bothered now?!

    can i get an amen? :)

  2. Because we will never be free till all this silly superstition is gone from our lives! ~ : )

  3. I'm not. People concerned with the belief of others are generally insecure in their own belief.

  4. I'm not.

    I'm an atheist and I don't listen to christians if they start going on about God..

  5. The reason why people feel the need to impose their viewpoints on others is to escape self-suffocation, to escape from their homemade h***s, to gain some semblance of security, control over their lives. We are rolling in our own stench, stewing in our own juice, slowly suffocating in our limited, pathetic selves. Think of it like being inside a sweaty gym sock or being a piece of moldy piece of bread. You see, people will die over these beliefs because they believe this is all they have left; if they don't fight for it, they will feel "dead" while they are physically living.

    As for being a hypocrite, everyone to a certain extent is a hypocrite. The biggest hypocrites are those who claim they are not. Why are people hypocrites? Ever of heard of the saying "you can't have your cake and eat it too?" Well, people strive to achieve this anyway and they discover they can do it. You know how? They simply eat the cake from the inside out, preserving the visual effect they wish to convey others and themselves. And so this is why hypocrites exist.

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