
Why are so many people getting upset when I protest the Iraq war wearing my old military uniforms?

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When someone walks up and yells I'm anti American for protesting the war I show them my ACLU card and they get big eyed and back off.




  1. Wearing your old uniforms and protesting the US Military is disrespectful to all the people who have gone before and after you, and all the people who have died wearing that uniform. I do not mind you protesting the Iraqi war, that's your choice, that's why America is great. But, doing it in the uniform that many people (depending upon the branch) have died in, is greatly, greatly disrespectful.

  2. Al lot of ppl are against the war, as I am, but I support our men and women fighting 100%.  They are there trying to make things better for us.  I do agree with ppl saying that it is time for them to come home and that we should not be there anymore.  I want this war to end just as bad as everyone else.  BUT  PPL get mad because of the disrespectful ppl that protest funerals of our fallen brothers and sisters.  Standing there shouting at families and friends of ppl fighting for your right to stand there and shout.  You would have no rights at all if it wasn't for them.  I am ashamed to be a part of the same country as the inconsiderate ppl protesting and treating our soldiers like c**p.  BUT I am very proud to be a part of the same country as the soldiers fighting for me and my children.  GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS> PLEASE BRING THEM HOME SOON!!!!!

  3. You're an idiot.

  4. You should be ashamed of yourself!!  As a military wife and prior service myself it is "prior service" like yourself that give military a bad name.  You SHOULD NOT wear your uniform that is fine that you want to protest the war but to wear the same uniform my husband and thousands and thousands of other soldiers are wearing is disrespectful and just PLAIN WRONG what gives you the right to even put that uniform back on??  You are done and you are against everything that you once believed in.  Was good enough for you when you served but now that your paycheck and benefits ran out you are against it.  SHAME ON YOU keep your opinions but TAKE THE UNIFORM OFF!!  

  5. What blathering nonsense.

  6. You're an idiot.  

  7. You should not wear a military uniform if you are not in the military. That is against the law.

  8. People will always get upset regardless of what your opinion is. But wearing your uniforms is wrong because you are representing yourself as a soldier or part of the military. It is actually punishable by law to do so while in the service not sure about being a civilian though. I say keep your opinions lose the uniform.

  9. I don't know why they'd back off from an ACLU card, nor do I understand why they would be upset with you for protesting the war as a veteran.  I'm a combat veteran, too, and I'm vocally and publically against the war.  Granted, I don't wear my uniform in doing so, but as long as you're keeping to the laws and regulations regarding the use of the uniform, I don't think folks should be attacking you.  Disagreeing, sure, but not attacking.

  10. What they get upset about is the fact that you are fraudlently claiming veteran status.

    And they are not backing off because of the ACLU card - it is the smell that results from your poor hygene habits.

  11. What part or erudite did you miss?

    You are fool.

  12. You always post this propaganda c**p.  Your not a soldier, former soldier, or have anything to do with the military.  Please stop posting like you are, no one falls for it anymore.  And nobody gets upset when you claim to walk around in your ACU's, you're lying.

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