
Why are so many people here claiming they are commercial pilots if they cannot answer easy questions?

by  |  earlier

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As someone asked this:

"And what does this mean: "BKN010 TX17/21Z TN16/03Z"? (from today's TAF from LFPG)?"

Nobody could give an answer, just one person, and this answer did not actually answer the question.......




  1. BKN010= clouds are broken at 1000'

    TX= The maximum temperature is predicted to be 17  degrees Celsius at 2100 hours.

    TN= The minimum temperature is predicted to be16  degrees Celsius at 0300 hours.

  2. I don't claim to be a pilot and I sure as heck don't know what that means...

    but yeah, people suck, I see people answer questions about cars all the time that claim to be mechanics or work in a tire shop, but answer the question completley wrong.

    Best example was I saw someone who claimed to work at a tire shop tell someone their tire was supposed to be filled to the number on the side of the tire, which is the MAX pressure, not the recommended pressure for his vehicle.

    Maybe he worked at a tire shop.... but he's sweeping the floors, not working with tires.

  3. For your knowledge most us know only the basic metar codes the ones that are used most often. And briefers working for Lockheed Martin  Flight Service don't know the meaning of all of them , that's why they regularly look up text codes in their computers and ask the pilots to hold.A legitimate question will be answered by the active members of the community ...Zach , aviophage , jet doc,....and all the other guys , not something such as where can I buy a WWII aircraft and where can I learn to fly in it.

  4. I just logged on. Was too busy flying a charter to and from Cabo on Memorial Day and practicing aviation law today. Now, what exactly is your question? The TAF was someone else's. What's yours? You mean, you don't really have one? That seems rather non-productive. Well, time to log off now. See ya.

  5. People with low self esteem  pretend they know what their talking about to impress others.

    Remember, it is better to be silent and thought stupid rather than opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

    Keep in mind there are enough knowledgeable people here who know the answer and know you don't know what our talking about.

  6. Duhh... thy're pilots in them there hills billy bob!

  7. Not everyone here is telling the truth as you can imagine. You have to weed through the B.S,er's to find the correct answer.

    I wanna be cool like Malibu so here is all the things I am too.

  8. Freedom of speech makes so many persons claim they are commercial pilots.

  9. I did not see it, answer it, or claim that I am a commercial pilot. No question is hard if you know the answer.

    The "And what does...." is part of a weather sequence.  Forecast calls for broken clouds at 1000 feet, don't know, don't know,time 0300 GMT.

    There is a tremendous amount of jargon in the aviation industry. I doubt if anyone knows all of it. I certainly do not, and do not pretend to.



  10. I took a stab at answering the question. I'm not commercial rated (yet) but do have my PPL.

    Different countries have different TAF/METAR standards. I've never seen TN/TX in Canada. I also don't remember seeing it in the International Standard either...

    As someone already pointed out, just because someone is licensed doesn't mean they don't need to look things up every now and then.

  11. you know i begin to think you're right though. A question was asked re: aircraft electrical and one retired pilot says it's called alternator. This pilot claims she's 747. 1974, I started to work on airplanes and it is called generators then now it is called IDG (integrated Drive gen.), Now I doubt almost all of them.

  12. Maybe we're not interested in answering some questions rather than others. METAR/TAF keys can be found anywhere, on and off the internet. YA is for those who are too lazy to do the work themselves.

  13. well, the situation you described, there was one person that answered.

    that probably means that we, real pilots, didn't take the asker seriously. also, we're pilots or mechanics, and the occasional wanderer. we don't sit around the computer all day like some people. it could have been asked at a bad time.

    we also know which users on YA aircraft are bogus. and we choose not to answer their questions in the hopes that they will leave.

    like your question for example, i suggest you keep to the subject of aircraft and aviation and not question the authenticity of certain user's statuses. not everyone claims they're commercial pilots. besides, you should judge the skill of someone by what they have done and not by what they have not done.

    they are some great people here who are great pilots no doubt and who have given many good answers to many many many questions.

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