
Why are so many people in New York rejoicing over the Governor resigning?

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  1. I see no reference to people in New York rejoicing in the link you supplied.  I have heard on the news that there are many that feel his resignation was due and they are glad he was man enough to admit his fault and step down. Those that are rejoicing are probably those that suffered as a result of his merciless treatments of stock brokers and their illegal activities he exposed and prosecuted.



  2. He's not a desirable person for a governor position.  What he did hurt so many people and I'm sure ruined his family.  How selfish he is to have spent many tax dollars for a few hours of self satisfaction and all at the expense of other people's feelings.

  3. If only Larry Craig(R) was man enough to resign after his g*y s*x crime like the rest of his Republican friends did in 2007 for g*y s*x crimes like Bob Allen(R) Richard Curtis(R) Don Fleischman(R) Murphy Jr.(R)

  4. Not liked is an understatement, he's an egotisical jerk!

  5. Apparently he was a bit of a bully who let the power go to his head.  He is getting his comeuppance as they say.

  6. people just love to see those holier than thou people get caught with thier pants down, so to speak.

  7. The former Governor was a power hungry arrogant SOB who did more harm as attorney general then good. Amazingly he won the governorship in overwhelming fashion!

    But; some of us new better and are satisfied with the turn of events, just as I know better when it comes to Senator Obama, wait and see, he's as worthless as a milk bucket under a bull!

  8. cause he was not liked.

    He got caught doing what he talks against....

  9. There are many reasons for the glee at the news of New York's Governor Elliot Spitzer.  One reason is that he was that when he was the Attorney General, he played dirty when he prosecuted.  He would look up anything and everything about someone that would ruin their reputation.  He is also very hypocritical.  He liked to talk about morality and doing the right thing and you see what happened.  He did the immoral thing.  Probably the last good reason is that he targeted white collar crimes, he even became known as the sheriff of Wall Street.  When you go after a group as large as that, you're bound to have lots of people not liking you.

    Hope that does it for you.

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