
Why are so many people opposed to letting their kids wear nail polish and dye their hair?

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I see nothing wrong with it. I paint my toenails all kinds of crazy colors, and I dye my hair quite often. I have yet to come across any consequences of doing so. I really can't think of any reasons why it's considered bad to let preteens do that.

I'm wondering because my 12 year old cousin told me she wasn't allowed to but she didn't really know why, and then I saw a question on here earlier pertaining to it.




  1. because some people think its letting your children grow up too fast doing things adults usually do. my mother is the same to me about my kids

  2. the nail polish I am not sure about, I would love to have daughters and paint their nails, however for the hair dye, the scent of the chemicals can kill some of the developing brain cells and its harmful in other ways.

    also with all of the other teen addictions out there parents have to take precautions. we as parents never know what their kids will become addicted to with all that's out there.

    another reason is with all of the pressure on Young girls, parents want their kids to be able to accept what is given to them. also some teens take advantage and color their hair in distracting colors and this is unacceptable for school and academic settings.

    I hope this was helpful, I tried to keep my opinion out of it.

  3. Well because the whole dying thing can go to far when your young like dying your hair red or blue and having it permante when your like 12? But if its Temp then its probably cool because it will wash out in a couple weeks. So you can have fun hair for a bit, but be able to go back to your natural hair. The nail polish? I have no idea for me its a way to just galm my self up a bit more ya know? Just a fun activity to do. I mean little kids do it? I babysit a 5, and 4 year old and their mom and them get together for a bit and just spend some girl time getting their nails done and girls take pride in it. Like the 5 year old came up to me and said "Look i have pink nail polish like you its it pretty."  Its a way to make them feel a bit grownup, but it doesnt make you looked like a w***e? I mean no one really notcies it lol.

    Hope I helped :)

  4. Because children have parents who set rules.  Obviously your parents don't

  5. becuase parents are that way my mom thinks its cool though

  6. ive ben trying to figure that o ut to my mom wont let me wear nail polish or lip gloss and im almost 13=[

  7. Because in some cases, but not all cases it makes young girls look like whores. You need to understand your natual beauty more than anything and embrace it not try to cover it up with a bunch of racy colors and makeup. If you want that go to nevada.

  8. Maybe the chemicals involved, it can still be harmful to kids that age.

  9. I personally don't see an issue about it, and I have a 10 year niece. If she wants to dye her hair a different color I'm going to let her do it. I don't think its bad for her (or any kids her age) to express themselves by dyeing there hair or wearing nail polish.

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