
Why are so many people ......?

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(republicans, pro-lifers, paps, aps, and the religious nuts) willing to support legislation that helps people looking to adopt and foster than toward parents struggling to take care of their children. Why aren't these people concerned about making fathers take responsibility for their children, to aid and assist birth mothers to care for their children( look at our sad laws).

I guess they think children are better off with a loving adoptive home like this couple despite a few casualties.




  1. Please don't generalize APs or PAPs in your list.  Just because I am an AP doesn't make me a supporter to the ideas you list in your question.  It is like saying all Adoptees are Angry or all original mothers are crack whores.  It is unfair and unjustified.  

    While I do believe our son was better in a loving safe home because of the neglect and abuse he suffered before and immediately following birth, I also believe that fathers need to take responsibility for children in situations that call for that also.  

    In reference to the 2006 article that you posted, I find these types of stories - regardless of adoption or pregnancy - to be disgusting and apalling.  Children should NOT be abused - regardless of the way they come into a family.   Abuse has no right in any relationship.  End of story.  

    But again, please refrain from lumping ALL adoptive parents into one group.  We are diversified as adoptees or original parents.

  2. Kids need somewhere to go and people need some one to love,a place to feel wanted and thats just what people try to give

  3. Everyone wants kids in a 2 parents family home and in a good home.    News reporters do not want to do stories on dead beat dads or dads that do not want to take responsibility for their kids.    Nor do they want to do stories on girls and women that are irresponsible and have kids with no father in the home.

    Our society has come to accept this situation that is unacceptable.   News organizations just want women at work and not at home with children.  We all suffer because of women not having opportunities to be with their children.

  4. Yeah.  I find it weird that those same people are usually anti-abortion.

  5. No one can force a father to take responsibility of their kids, force him to pay child support or face jail time. Yes but they cant force him to be a true dad to his kids.

    The article posted is sad but not the norm, there are natural children that are abused and terrible mistreated by the parents as well. Just a while back I read of a woman whose father had kept her hidden under the house for at least a decade, told the mom she had run away. He even raped and fathered several children with his daughter. What about this article it stated some of the kids had FAS, abuse by their natural mother while in her womb.

    I do agree that they are considering letting the children stay with this could is crazy. There is no excuse for  their behavior. They knew these children had some issues so if they couldn’t handle it they shouldn’t have adopted them or at least not so many.

    There are programs that help mothers parent if that’s what they want. The truth is you cant help someone unless they want to help themselves first.

  6. This couple in question SHOULD NOT retain custody, regardless if they were the adoptiove or biological family. I do find it worrisome that they were allowed to adopt so many special needs children, but I think the fact that they were special needs children had a lot ot do with it. In this case, I doubt support to the first family would have made any difference as they were likely relinquished due to their special needs or removed because of the needs that the first parents may have themselves caused (fetal alcohol syndrome).

    Now, that case aside: I do thing support should be given to get children out of foster care and into loving adopting families. These children were removed from their families of origin for a reason. The only exception to this I would see being poverty, in which case, if money were the only things holding the first family back, then yes, I would like them to receive support. Children getting out of foster care into loving, safe and secure homes, whether adoptive or biological should be a priority.

    As for legislation that helps support.... what other programs would you like to see implemented? There is welfare, food stamps, subsidized daycare (at least in Ontario). What else should there be? As for making father's take responsibility, well there is forced jail time, garnishing wages... Again, what else is there?

    I support programs that help mothers raise their children (all of the above mentioned), but if that is not good enough, then I'm not sure what else there is.

    What do you suggest?

  7. It's not that they don't care about the dead beat dads, it's your decision to have children. The children were given up by those people who decided to have children. The people who adopted them are nuts, but not everyone who adopts are like that. Shame on who ever approved their homestudy, they obviously lied and during the 6 month trial period there weren't enough surprise visits.

    My opinion, if you decided to buy a fancy car--you make the payments. if you decide to have kids--take responsibility. I'm sick of people getting hand outs for the decisions they've made. If you can't afford it, don't do it.

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