
Why are so many people "still" so racist , and "little "kids at that , a few kids have been hassling my son

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my 7 year old on the bus .And Its just not right !




  1. They learn it from there parents.

  2. to many reasons to list.

  3. their parents are racist and were "back in the day" so they pass it on to their kids.

  4. Is this a public city bus or a school bus?  If it's a school bus, contact the transportation director at the school.  I've had good luck with the transportation director intervening with some very nasty situations at a bus stop.

    If it's a public city bus, a call to the mayor's office might be in order.  Most cities have offices to deal with this.

    Now - before you do either.....get your facts straight.  Sometimes 7 year olds hear things that aren't said, sometimes they bring it on themselves, is the 7 year old himself saying that others are racist?  Are there older kids you trust who can verify the specific circumstances?  How much supervision is there on the bus?  Are there video cameras?  

    You have to have the wisdom of Solomon to sort some of this out!  BTW - don't bother trying to figure out why people are racist - it's a waste of good energy.  Just focus on helping your child give you specific information and you help him.

  5. like stealing stuff if so call the police

  6. It doesn't make any sense  I hope he's ok.

  7. I think they get it from parents who are ignorant. It is really a shame because little kids are so innocent and they should not have to deal with this on both sides. One side is the child who gets made fun of for the color of his skin and the other side is the child who's parents teach them their ignorant ways. I think both are victims. But I do think that there comes a time when the children need to grow up and  realize that mom and dad are not right in their ways.

  8. racism is a learned behavior.  As long as adults hold racist attitudes, then children will learn this awful behavior.  It's a shame that there are still people today who continue to perpetuate this attitude.  

    As a former teacher, I would suggest that you report this situation to your board of education.  

    I have been in an interracial marriage going on 26 years this Sept. 11th.  We have 3 children plus my son from my first marriage (blond hair blue eyes).  My oldest son calls my husband, who is black, dad and has been doing so since he was 6 years old ( that was 26 years ago).  He has two bi-racial daughters.  I raised all 4 of my sons not to look at the color of the skin of a person, but the "heart" of a person.

  9. Kids, can be cruel and mean. I was made fun of in the latter years of high school. Is he smaller or slower? Kids, ususally pick on some one that is different or weaker. Makes them feel bigger. I would report it.

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