
Why are so many people scared of Obama........?

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Why are so many people hating on Obama.......what is the big deal if he does win? Or do we just want to keep Bush in office and keep complaining about gas prices and our soldiers being sent over seas to die. WTF.........let the man do his job, I am sure it will be a lot better than what either of the Bush's did




  1. What he wants is socialism, which never improves society and leads to it's decline.

  2. If you don't know the answer to that question yet, then I'm afraid the kool-aid has already taken hold.  Talking any sense to the addicted ones, does no good whatsoever.  I wish you well.

  3. That's because as crazy as this may sound, things can actually get worse. Obama has never done anything to prove or backup anything he says, it's just words. Why risk putting the country in his hands based on nothing only his word??? He has no experience, so what's left? It's not like I really know the guy, do you???

  4. we not scared of him we are scared of the bigger picture where he not looking

    he has no foriegn policy nor military experience

  5. Have we forgot about Obama's terrorist connections with William Ayers?

  6. He is a Socialist that wants wealth re-distribution through massive tax increases.

  7. Its really just the strong undercurrent of radical Christan extemists in this country that don't want to restore it to a democracy. These are the people who support McCain.  They are afraid that he will actually get in there and do something to clean up the Republican's biggest failure and prove what a disaster the last eight years have been.

    Obama/ Biden '08

  8. because he actually will heal America rather than rape it as has Holy bush over the last 8 years.

    you know war in Iraq even though they had nothing to do with 9-11. That and all the $$$ billions they have and the raping of your tax dollar that Bush continues to funnel into Iraq.

    I guess that scares people away from Obama- the fact that he cares rather than robs Americans.

  9. It's complicated and I think a lot of factors are involved.  Obama represents change and change frightens a lot of people; they would rather stick with what they know, as bad as it may be, then take a chance, risk change and face the unknown.  I am sure that racism also plays a role; it would be a surprise if it didn't because racism and prejudice are still very much alive and kicking in America - so just the thought of having an African American as President will scare these people.  But the fact that Obama has come as far as he has - that counts for so much and it also says a lot about the kind of man he is; American is already changing and that is due to Obama.  He will be a great President; and America needs a man of Obama's calibre to lead America now more than any other time in recent history.

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