
Why are so many people so closed minded about the possible existence of Bigfoot?

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Why is it so far fetched to think that it is plausible that a reclusive, somewhat intelligent primate could inhabit the remotest areas of North America and avoid human contact? There a a number of animals that zoologists thought were long extict, only to be "re-discovered" recently. Additionally, there are animals species thought not to exist in their former range, that essentially never left. They just adapted and became more hidden.




  1. I've always though Bigfoot was real. =)

    Good question though.

  2. A friend of mine has written a series of important books on the subject. You can find them here:

  3. You are misplacing closed minded with rational.

  4. i am not i think he sounds pretty cool

  5. Because there are no scientific proof of the existence of Bigfoot other than footprints and a grainy old film footage. I mean with all the technology we have, we should at least found bones, or been able to take a clear picture. There are lost tribes that have no contact with the outside world in Brazil ( ) that they have clear photos of. But still no Bigfoot. I mean, if they are humanoid in form or are primates, they should be living in groups to survive/mate. Monkeys, gorrilas, and humans all live in communities.

  6. People fear the unknown and things that are abnormal.  Mainly why so many dont bealive in bigfoot or aliens

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