
Why are so many people so defeatist?

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I keep pointing out global and social problems that really MUST be addressed and I suggest some ways of reversing negative trends turning them into positive trends. But so many people just say that nothing can be done about any of the world's biggest problems. Isn't this defeatism part of a self-fulfilling prophecy? Why are some people so defeatist? Why don't they point out what they see as weaknesses in my arguments and suggest possible improvements?




  1. maybe its not defeatist and simply is realist.  You can't solve problems unless everyone is on board with the solution.  How do you propose we accomplish that?  Some of us are just perpetual cynicists.

  2. There are no magic wand, no immediate solutions to most of the world,s biggest problems, as you put things. Simplistic common sense solutions may look good on paper but not so in practical terms. When dealing with diverse population and diverse interests, where does one start to achieving a consensus agreeable to all. Well done for your consciousness regarding these problems, but unfortunately it will always be one small step at a time, like its been mentioned by above posters, realism takes precedence to IDEALISM. Way of the world, unfortunately.

  3. I guess some people get fed up with others constantly trying to save the planet.  You may see it as negative but it could also be seen as being realistic.  Personally, what I find extremely irritating is being dictated to by the next celebrity that jumps on the green bandwagon, telling us all to stop driving our cars, flying on planes etc when they themselves are the most polluting individuals on the face of the earth.  We are taxed to the hilt for flights and our cars - where does the money go - it certainly isn't on saving the planet is it?  I have a family car not a gas guzzler just a bog standard Audi A4 and have to pay over £200 a year in tax - why is this Government constantly hitting hardworking people in the name of being green?  I have given up - I am not wasting my petrol on taking my things to the recycling bins about 5 miles away from where I live - I can't afford the petrol anymore.

  4. Because people does not want to change, They refuse to change, Some people think they have no social promblems and they like the way they are, some people hate the world the way it is today and thats why they are too sour to learn and too sour to listen, the older genertion feels its no good to argue any point, because The older people are the best, but when it comes to kids running the world and baby generation, Thats when thew world gets messed up

  5. If not you than who?   If you truly want somethig done, than stop talking about it and you walk about it.  Once you start, others will follow.

  6. a perfect world, you're right.  Now..let's return to this world...scientists have convinced the guys who install areators/septic systems that what "goes in" will be transformed into drinkable water by the time it comes out the other pipe...and ya know, I've yet to find the first person who believes that load of c**p(no pun intended!)..So, sometimes, you just have to have enough life in your bones to know when c**p is c**p, and there ain't nothin' you're gonna do about it...except roll it around, wrap it in pretty foil, and realize you got yourself some nicely wrapped c**p!

  7. I give up. Why are they?

  8. The problem isn't withe the people,it is with the politicians,they make promises and never deliver.

    They are more interested in lining their own pockets.

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