
Why are so many people so disrespectful to other people? why do so many people need to feel superior?

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Why are so many people so disrespectful to other people? why do so many people need to feel superior?




  1. Many people have been treated negatively all their lives.  There is no guarantee that every child will be born into a family who loves and respects him/her and will keep their best interests in mind.  Some people grow up in really negative situations with verbal or physical or sexual abuse from the very people who we think should be protecting them from it, and no one was there to stop it.  And it happens over and over and over again creating hopelessness and despair.

    So what does that do?  It creates a monster.  It makes that person feel like since nobody respected and protected them from harm all their life, then they don't owe anyone anything and can treat others the same way they have been treated.  They grew up without the "love" that many of us take for granted so they take it out on others without even realizing what they're doing.  And they dominate others to make themselves feel better.  That's one possibility.

  2. There are too many broken families. Children don't get enough proper guidance from a unified mom and dad, thus creating insecurities. Rudeness, disrespect and superiority attitudes all stem from insecurity and a lack of self-confidence. It's a cover-up. They don't recognize that there is reward in being humble and kind and thinking of others more than themselves.

  3. If you look at the social organization of a baboon troop or a chimpanzee troop, you will see that they have a tendency to stroke those above and beat up on those below. That is how they define their status. Obviously you get kicked a lot less when you are on top, so kicking those below serves a clearcut purpose.

    To put this in human terms, the desire to 'raise' oneself socially can manifest itself in disrespectful behavior. The desire to feel superior (status seeking) is found in all socal primates, and I include humans here.

  4. many people are disrespectful to others for the need to feel superior. (if you get that)

    they need to feel superior because they have an inferiority complex. those are bad mojo too. i was always bullied by this little itty bitty girl in 8th grade. i could smack her around if i wanted to, but she was so small and a bit insane too. she had a bad inferiority complex. and when i tried to get arrested for being a bad girl and threatening my life she sorta cried and cried and cried alot more.

    but it all comes down to who is the bigger person. which was me.i was nice to her to some degree but as her bullying got worse and she started to hit me with heavy textbooks and stuff i then wanted to throw her out the third floor window....either way i didnt i just told someone and she almost got arrested for threats and assult, and she cried again but i felt better when seeing her cry. because even her mother told me that she was a bit loopy with her inferiority complex.

    but thats what i think about disrespectful people and their need to feel superior. i answer with i real life experience.

    and its ending is known that she was kicked out of school for trying to jump a girl that kicked her *** and she cried again but no one would listen that time. and she is currently out of school.

  5. its called the uniform syndrom, yes its a plague.

  6. Power is the basis of society. The more you have, the better it is.

    I think it is funny that most of these people write such a long statement for an easy question. They are trying to show their power in the form of intelligence.

  7. They're insecure and have low self-esteem. They need to put down others just to feel good about themselves.

    In truth, they're quite pathetic...

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