
Why are so many people so dramatic, life-hating, shady, and just nasty?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, when I watch TV, or research about places like Caesars Palace in Vegas, or high quality places, everyone looks so happy, and great, and life's good.

When you go to lower-end places, or just go out among the general public, you sense drama, life-hating ness, shadiness, nastiness, and all sorts of out-to-get-youness.

What is WRONG with these people in society?

Are they just total losers and act that way because their life sucks?

Is there more to it?

I seriously just can't stand the attitude from the general public, it's so negative.




  1. I agree with you.  I don't know the answer to why people are like this.  I mean everybody wants to be rich... but if your not rich it doesn't mean you have to be hate life.  I'm not rich and I'm still happy.  I say hello to everyone when I'm walking in the neighborhood and nobody says hello back!

  2. Well in truth, what is the difference between these two groups of people that you have defined, as being so unlike the other?  Lets take a look at one group.

    These people are only interested in getting what they want out of life and only for themselves. They are highly motivated to succeed and are capable and honestly more than willing, to walk all over anyone and everyone to gets in the way of where they want to be in life. They are self centered and greedy by nature. They care more for themselves than anyone else and by their actions alone, one can clearly see that the only important thing in life for them, is their own happiness.

    Now which group did I just describe? BOTH!! I realize that television sells us quite a different picture than what we perceive with our own eyes as the real condition of humanity. And even with our ability to research other parts of the world and the lifestyles that accompany them, although it might appear as if other folks have a different or even better method for living, the very make up of a human being never varies in this world.

    If it sounds a bit harsh, my description here of people, it is only because most of us are not willing to take a long hard look into what motivates us. We are always and only in the pursuit of our own happiness and really without this foundation within us, we would never actually be able to survive at all.  We only meet our basic needs on a daily basis because it brings us the pleasure of knowing we will live a while longer when we do. All the other needs we meet, although they might not be as necessary in order to survive, they still provide us the same thing, and that is to bring us the sense of happiness that we are always looking for.

    I linked a video for you to watch if you are interested. It talks about the reason we behave the way we do in life and the very need for us to. It will also give you the chance to understand not only this system we operate on, but a way we can change that system to create a much closer resemblence of what appears on television and travel brocheres as a better quality of life. I hope I was able to help you in finding the answer you were searching for. Best wishes.

  3. its just sin honey. just b positive. God wants us to be a light in the darkness. a positive in the negative. keep ur head up and b positive. give a smile! and b happy! i kno its hard in this world but its the right thing!

    best wishes!

  4. opportunity and ability,trial and error,circumstances and situations,perception and direction.etc. the reality of it is some people are more compatible in general, layed back and are evidently more abstract in their thinking.   or you could be influencing negative feedback on your view due to not recorgnising what seperates us from the rest. don't be bitter from this difference, use it to your advantage

  5. i'm guessing some of the people in that situation feel that they have not been given the opportunity to succeed, therefore they have a chip on their shoulders, like life owes them.........

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