
Why are so many people so snake-intolerant?

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when im like on the street, taking my snake to my friend's house to show her, i put him on a box and i get so much attention and alot of people freak out! that is the reason i use the box! but obviously that doesnt work.

and it is a SIMPLE CORN SNAKE!

i feel like everyone thinks they are evil or somthing!




  1. i believe because alot of snakes are known to be venomous and dangerous and people are afraid of them and dont give them a chance....everybody i know who was afraid of snakes came over and held mine actually enjoyed i say its the reputation that the more dangerous snakes have effects all the snake...and there movement not having any legs or arms freak people out

  2. i was wondering the same thing. i asked my mom if i could have a snake and she said no, they are evil. (???) we are not religious but, come on. i think people dont like snakes because they are so differnt from humans, no legs, scales, they eat bugs/mice.  but i have always loved snakes, but people get so worked up about the littlest stuff.

  3. Some are afraid because of Biblical images of the snake representing Satan.  Some have been taught to fear all snakes due to the potential for encountering a poisonous variety.  Some people can't handle the lidless, unblinking stare, or the flickering forked tounge- that's another Satan thing, I think- or the independent movement of the body.  Look how many folks think snakes are "slimy."

    I used to manage a pet store and I found that people who were afraid of snakes were also afraid of rats because the tail was "snakelike."

    I personally have no problem whatsoever with snakes.  I respect and admire the job they do of controlling pests.  However when I hike in deserts in AZ, or the Water Gap in PA, I always wear long pants and sturdy boots as I would not like to encounter a rattler.

    I am, however, afraid of large hairy insects and spiders.  They are hideous.  Most are harmless and I know this and still I cannot stop pissing myself should one crawl upon me.

    So I guess I am a bit hypocritical.  I am human.

  4. Fear and ignorance... it's a shame others can't find the beauty in all the creatures that nature offers us!

      In all honestly, I do have to admit, I  have only one dislike...  I can't bear to feed my dragons *roaches* even knowing they're a superior feeder insect.  They just give me the world's worst case of heebie-jeebies!!!    lol        ;]

  5. Becouse snakes have for centuries been killers.

    Back in the 18 -19 hundreds if you got bit buy a venomous snake, you would be almost serten to die.

    Its programed into our minds to be scared/intolerant of things like snakes spiders ect...

    but alot of people are just plain egnorent and think all snakes are venomous.

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