
Why are so many ppl telling ppl to burn sage and say prayers and talk to the entities?

by  |  earlier

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from my experiences over the yrs that is the wrong advice. i have seen things become alot worse for families after using those methods , especially when the person is a weak or sensitive person you could open them up for a lot of hurt. please stop giving advice of that sort your only going to make the poblems works. if ppl want to do that stuff it needs to be done by an professional like a priest mediciane man or a demonologist that knows the ways to protect themselves .




  1. burn sage is what the indians use to do and some still do. It is suppose to cleanse you and the room that it is burnt in.

  2. Isn't sage what we use on turkeys at Thanksgiving & Christmas??

  3. It was one person that said that. How do you get "so many people"

    If it is one person's way to help another then what is wrong with that.

    Zachary, there are many ways to do all kinds of things but you use this just to put your regular negitive spin on things.

    grow up

  4. I don't mean to say you are wrong, just as I am sure you don't mean to say that any of us that gave the advice on Sage is wrong...Some like myself have been doing this as long as you claim that you have, I was raised thinking the unnatural thing's in our world was a part of life. Sage has been used through out the years, by many walk's of life. She said it ran, what does that tell you, you said it yourself, you've been doing this for some time???  I have never once been wrong about the use of sage, and I got that teaching with a great deal more, from a very wise person, back in the seventy's...It doesn't take a person with a degree to set thing's right, I assure you, You only need the power of one to protect yourself, he is with me every time I walk into a home, that has seen a great deal more than one form of movement.....I do agree if thing's become out of control, do by all mean get help, but as one person said, not everyone has that type of thing near them.  

    P.S. You can not tell me that you have been doing this for a while and didn't know to talk to them...Like I have said if they didn't read mind's before, why should they be able to read mind's after death. Or if it is a demon, no way would that thing be able to hear thought's, so why not speak out loud? Can it hurt anything? NO!!!!  And Prayer's, do I even need to go there after you said they need to get a priest or the other's which all use prayers to send the spirit's on their way... I would rather give a scared person the advice to burn an herb of God, and tell them to tell it to leave, Than all the thing's she was being told, or better yet, let her be afraid. Hope relieves fear! no matter what we disagree on....

  5. You do what you can do and if it gets worse, then call in the big guns. You don't need a priest everytime.

  6. Thanks a lot. Now you've got me paranoid. When the villagers start burning their Sages it worries me. I am a proffesional Sage and have been for many years. I do a little soothsaying on the side occasionally. They pay me good money for it, usually. It would be extremely unwise of them to think they can run about, willy-nilly and pell-mell just flicking their Bic on me. Thanks for the "Heads up!"

  7. you dont need to be running around the house burning sage or tobacco. You just invoke Jesus and tell the spirit it was not invited, its not welcome and you want it to leave. When your doing this, you have to be serious and strong willed. Any weakness can be picked up by the entity. I do not tell people to have a sit down chat session, quite the opposite. the less you acknowledge it the weaker it is. If you have a demonic problem, get real help. Its there beause its already found your weaknesses and isnt leaving without a fight.

  8. I love the smell of sage when burning (actually just smoking).  It's like incense.  So I disagree on that point of your argument.

    Saying prayers, never saw that hurt anyone either.

    Talking to the may have a point here.  But on the other hand I feel like I am kinda typing to an entity right now.  Hope I don't go nuts tonight.

  9. I do agree to that, if you're dealing with something negative. If you are seriously worried that you have something bad, do NOT taunt it, do not confront it, or it will make you sorry. Been there, done that when a supposed psychic wouldn't believe me that I thought had something negative in my house (she kept telling me, "try this, try that", she assumed I was just scared); lucky for me my spirit guides are and have always been extremely protective.

    But most people around these parts are afraid of every bump in the night when the truth is, 80% of spirits in homes don't want to hurt anybody, it's somebody's grandparent, or father or neice. People are afraid of things they don't know. And I don't mean any disrespect to anyone, I really don't. But one part I do agree with that psychic/medium woman said to me was that I shouldn't fear it. Fearing even a demon (which is what I had in my house) is the last thing you want to do, because all you do is make it stronger. What's wrong with empowering someone whose afraid? And praying has NEVER been the wrong thing to do because light will always be stronger than darkness. It will keep you safer to call in the light.

    BUT...I will only tell someone to talk to a spirit when I can feel specifically that they're afraid for no reason. And I will give them things to do that will empower them until they can contact someone more professional.

  10. Great if you've got one living next door but most people don't so they have to take matters into their own hands.

  11. One of the things I've learned.There's not all that much agreement on the paranormal.Aside from  believing in it.There's very little consensus when it comes to what,why and how.It's not too hard to figure out why

      Edit. SuzieQ Did you even read the question?Duh! djominou sorry about the "negitive" vibes SuzieQ is using your question to spread.

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