
Why are so many.......... ?

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Why are so many Obama Supporters questioning the concept of " family values " by virtue of the pregnancy of Governor Palin's daughter yet not questioning the concept of " family values " by virtue of the fact that Statistics reflect that over 70 % of all Black Babies are currently born out of wedlock ?

Isn't it much more important to address the Social Concerns that are often inherent with the above 70 % Statistic that impacts upon the Black Race ( welfare mothers, absent fathers, etc. ) rather than the pregnancy of 1 teenage girl ?




  1. Perhaps because "70% of black babies" aren't running for V.P.

  2. Obama addressed this on Fathers Day. He talk about personal responsibility and told that some of these black men needed to stop acting like boys and be men (paraphrasing). That is why Rev. Jesse Jackson was upset (he said he was going to rip Obama Nuts off).  He felt that Obama was talking down to blacks. It was all over the news. I am surprise you didn’t hear about it. But sometime people only see what the want to see. That goes for Black, White, liberals and conservatives.  

    I really don’t see Obama supporters talking about family values. However, you may see it the other way. I usually go by facts; give me a percentage of Obama supporters that are talking about this.  This Palin issues is more about McCain’s vetting process. You may get a few people the media will find that will say that they are an Obama supporter and blast Palin’s family values.  However, most people I talk to feel like I do and this is a personal issue for Palin. It would not stop me for voting for McCain/Palin if her daughter smoked meth while burning the flag. That is her daughter not Palin herself. Media sensationalize everything!!!

    Not saying your wrong but please give sources for you stats.

  3. 'Why are so many Obama Supporters questioning the concept of " family values "'

    What's being questioned is the genuineness of Palin's family values.  She can't talk to her daughter about BC?  She throws her daughter under the bus for political expediency? (Remember, it was Palin's campaign that announced to the press that Bristol was an unwed, pregnant teen.)  She said in a 2006 gubernatorial debate that if Bristol was raped and got pregnant, she would not support her daughter's decision to get an abortion.

    'yet not questioning the concept of " family values " by virtue of the fact that Statistics reflect that over 70 % of all Black Babies are currently born out of wedlock'

    Yeah, I haven't even heard Barack talk about this.  I've heard him talk about teen pregnancy, and increased responsibility, but not this specifically.  I think he prefers to keep it general, to avoid being offensive or preachy, so that those listening don't shut down.  After all,  everybody knows what "responsibility" means in such matters.

    Actually, maybe I'll take that back.  Obama HAS been doing the Bill Cosby-type talk enough to make Jesse Jackson want to "cut off his n*ts" for talking down to black people.  That JJ said that tells me Obama actually has been pushing the envelope in the way you're hoping.

  4. Let us not forget also that Obama was born out of wedlock to an 18 year old mother...

  5. It's called denial.  They want her to murder her baby - guess they are afraid she'll take their welfare from them.

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