
Why are so many republicans extremely religious yet?

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they refuse to help poor people or people down on their luck? What do they have against god's poor people? They want faith based tax money, but no other "hand out".




  1. Actually, studies have shown that religious conservatives personally give more time and money to charity and charitable agencies than liberals.

    Increasing taxes isn't charity. Charity is what you freely give of your own pocket and your own time.

  2. I believe that their "god" requires that people are responsible for their own fate.Therefore, the poor deserve their lot in life because of some perceived character flaw. The Katrina disaster is but one example. Their idea of helping out the needy is called corporate welfare, and tax cuts to the wealthy.

  3. I'm not religious at all but I am fairly sure they help poor people more then any Dems do , they just don't want the GOVERNMENT to do it. Giving a $20 to a homeless person is like giving the government $100 and then the poor person gets $10

  4. What most Republicans are against is the constant hand outs to lazy people,which is what most of our "public assistance" programs have become.


  5. Correction, We refuse to let the government tell us who were going to help. Listen, i know its dark with your head up your a$$, but perhaps you should do some more research first before you try to start slinging mud.

    but ill be happy to provide you with a candle so you can see in that crevis! thats helping right?

  6. Fact:  Republicans states donate a lot more to charity compared to Democratic states.

    I could provide you with about 50 more links that say so.

  7. Because like their religion, they're frauds.

    I'm especially amused by the study of tax returns that they trot out as proof of their generosity.  I mean we all know cons would NEVER cheat on their taxes because they just love to pay taxes.

  8. Republicans give to charity in an enormously disproportionate amount, compared to Liberals.  We would give even more, but for Liberals confiscating it in taxes.

    How dare you feel holier than thou by spending your whole check on yourself, and demanding a portion of mine to feed the poor?

    Seriously, Jesus taught to feed the hungry and house the poor, and heal the sick, and most of us religious right wingers do that at about 3 times the rate of secular liberals - He never said give it all to the government so 10 cents of every dollar goes to actual aid and the rest gets sucked up in government workers' salaries.

    Just for example, on average for the last 6 years John McCain has contributed around 18% of his income to Charity, including all his book royalties, and every penny of the last Congressional pay raise, because he voted against it and vowed not to take it, so he gives it to Charity.

    The table below, shows the percentage of his income Obama has contributed to Charity in each year...notice the sudden jump when he decided to run for President?  If that isn't cynical, I don't know what is.

    2006: 6.1%

    2005: 4.7%

    2004: 1.2%

    2003: 1.4%

    2002: 0.4%

    2001: 0.5%

    2000: 0.9%

    EDIT:  Hard to hit a moving target, sport.  First you say we don't give, then when it's obvious you are wrong, you say we "have disdain", then you imply we only do it to get a tax deduction (which, by the way, is a tacit admission that your first question was wrong, and that we do give).

    So, what is it?  Do we not give enough?  Or do we give enough, but for the wrong reasons?  And do you think the recipient of my private charity, that actually sees over 90% of the money I give is better off, or worse off than the one who gets 10% of my confiscated taxes from a government welfare program?

  9. They do things for the glory of themselves.  They don't concern themselves with charity, forgiveness or kindness.  Their pride will be their downfall.  

  10. I hate religious zealots. Just because the Republicans do not want to give hand-outs to lazy people who do not want to help themselves, does not make them extreme.

  11. I am a Republican and not particularly religious however Republicans give FAR more to charity than Democrats.  Republicans believe in personally helping the poor not a government that enables those who make irresponsible decisions..

  12. The Churches of America give twice as much aid to the poor than our government.

    Get you facts straight.

    Edit:  I put the Roman Catholic Charities against any and all of the Democrat government sponsored programs combined.   They win worldwide and locally without question.  

    When you add the other Christian denomination charities, the Liberal Elite over indulgence on "self" is smash by the true generosity of the faithful.  

    "A Republican gives the poor the shirt of their back, the Democrats wants to give everyone else's shirt off their back".

    IE. OBAMA, Kerry, Kennedy, Soros, Dean, Pelosi, Reid, etc etc  the list of Liberal Uncaring Elitist can go on for an eternity.

  13. It's the whole thing about, "Give a man a fish vs. Teach a man to fish"....

    Bunch of BS.

    They are just selfish and ignorant at the same time.  All the while taking pride in being so.

  14. Well, they have to be because when they get caught in Men's rooms trying to solicit s*x, they can then go to confession and have the slate wiped clean!  

  15. They are religulous!

  16. Because the God they pray to is the God of money...not the God of mercy.

  17. What's with Obama and Biden claiming they are Christians while openly supporting the killing of unborn children?

  18. Edit: Well from all your answers Im not sure what point you were trying to make?  We all pay taxes for government programs. I am not voting for McCain or Obama and feel that charity should be a personal choice,and not something the government forces me to do. You should study Obamas Global Poverty Tax so you know what your defending. I hope you can afford your choice.

  19. That is called the sickness of growth. They just need some time (couple hundred years) to realize that Bible was written for completely dark and uneducated people 2000 years ago. How would you, for example, explain to the cave man what TV set is and how it works. You can not. For them it is miracle and you are the God.

    Only by education and deep thinking one can overcome religions nonsense.

  20. they are egotistc and brainwashed and say:: hurra for me and all

  21. I don't agree with the premise of your question.  You cannot possibly speak for all Republicans.  Further, anyone with his hands out, looking for alms, cannot have an unbiased opinion.

    Who are you to decide who should give their money and how much should be given.  I am a life-long registered Democrat.  Charity begins at home.  

  22. You need to read the history of the Republican Party.

    Abraham Lincoln was a REPUBLICAN, Republicans are not against Poor people that is the hogwash the Dems want you to believe.

    the Republican party consists of many people from all walks of life, they tend to be right wing christians primarily who believe in BIBLE as law.The are generally against abortion, g*y rights and other NON-BIBLICAL lifestyles. They believe you should do for yourself and not depend on others to do it for you. Welfare was never meant to be a life style and as a working American I resent those that abuse my tax dollars, not those that are truly in need.  But still it was only meant to be a temporary fix until you can get back on your feet again, like singles moms after a divorce etc... It was not meant to support you the rest of your life, unless you have a disability or somenreason as such you absolutely can't hold down a job. I think if you read about the history of the Republican Party you will have a better understanding.

    Too many take advantage of the system and now the system is nearly broke.

  23. First, a basic belief in God (it's with a capital "G") doesn't make you "extremely" religious, but does set the groundwork to believe in something other than killing fetuses and flaunting g*y marriage. But more to your point, I have nothing against helping "poor" people, what I DO have a problem with is helping lazy people or people that are exploiting the system so they never have to work. Unfortunately the Democrats have created a HUGE segment of the population that has become accustomed to getting handouts, have 6 children by 6 different men, purposely wasting money on school education when FAMILY education should be emphasized, etc, etc.

    While you WANT to believe that Republicans don't want to help "poor" people it's not true. We want to help them get a job, go to school, send their children to college, buy a home, etc, but we want THEM to do it. What the Democrats want is a society reliant on them. They simply want to hand each person a fist full of cash to spend as irresponsibly as they'd like because it keeps them poor and keeps them voting for more handouts, i.e., the Democratic party.

    How in the dark can you be?

  24. Don't agree with you..i'm sorry.  I personally find it irritating when my tax money goes to help someone else who refuses to help themselves.  There are some people on welfare that aren't even trying to get a job and better themselves.  I'm not against welfare, WIC, or social security by any means.  But I think that there should be some sort of standards set that says a person can't just sit on their butt and collect govt money for the rest of their lives.  I'm not including disability in that category because if a person is truly disabled, then it's understandable why they wouldn't work.

  25. The claim that Conservatives "give more to charity" is not correct.  They give more to tax deductible non-profits, including churches, that is all.

    Most money donated to "churches" for example, doesn't go to poor people, but rather, funds the churches, themselves.  This is an erroneous "fact" that conservatives like to boast (yet where is that religious "modesty), but the reality is far from their claims

  26. Seems you haven't done your homework on these things.  Republican states are poorer.  Mississippi and Alabama are two of the poorest states and are Republican.  

    Sioux Falls is rural and religious; half of the population goes to church every week. People in San Francisco make much more money, are predominantly liberal, and just 14 percent of people in San Francisco attend church every week. Liberals are said to care more about helping the poor; so did people in San Francisco give more?

    "It turns out that this idea that liberals give more…is a myth. Of the top 25 states where people give an above average percent of their income, 24 were red states in the last presidential election. "

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