
Why are so many shocked how the Liberal Democrats are behaving?

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They almost lose every election: 1980, 1984, 1988, 2000, 2004 & 2008 is getting ready to happen.

They FINALLY got Congress in 2006...BUT they have a 9% approval rating...that's 91% of Americans say the Democratically Controlled Congress......SUCKS!!!!!

These people always find a way to lose & they will again this time!

John Kerry was way a head in the Polls this same time in 2004...and as usual the Dems BLOW their lead.

Obama & Joey will be back in the senate on Nov 5th or so talking how they got screwed by poll workers or something!




  1. I don't understand why people think it's just one party that misbehaves. It's every politician if you wanna know the truth, not just democrat or republican. I'm no longer shocked by what any politician does. I expect it, sadly.

    You don't think McCain and Palin will be doing the same thing if they lose? lol, you're funny. ;)

  2. Nothing surprises me. The press is for Democrates, most newspapers too, they bash Rebulicans for stupid reasons, but IF a Democrate had the same things happen to them, .... the wouldn't be bashed the same way.

    Democrates have no idea what 'the people' want.

  3. Wow!  Someone is going to have to give you mouth to mouth when Obama is the next Commander in Chief.

  4. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, its as simple as that..

  5. Nothing they do surprises me.

  6. They have really shown their butts in the last couple of days. I know they have appalled my neighbor. She had a Gore poster in her yard 8 yrs ago and a Kerry poster 4 yrs later. This year she told me she might vote for McCain but in no way could she vote for Obama. She may change her affiliation to Independent. She has been utterly horrified by the treatment of Palin and her daughter. True, it hasn't been by Obama, but by members of her party, people who she thought she had shared common ideals and morals with.

    She got pregnant and married at 17. She had to drop out of school because her father would not let her finish. She is almost 50 now.

    How many others like her?

  7. you're right, we shouldn't be shocked

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