
Why are so many teens on anti-depressants now?

by Guest57313  |  earlier

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At my high school, there are so many people on antidepressants and ADHD medication.

Sometimes they joke about how they feel when they forget a dose.

My brother is on an antidepressant and I am contemplating taking one as well. My mom thinks I need one to control my social anxiety, and I agree now. I can't write my notes because I can't stop shaking in class. I was bullied every day.

I was prescribed Prozac a few months ago but I never filled the prescription. But now I see how many people are on antidepressants, I think it will be more "normal" for me to take the medicine. Sometimes my brother gets the brain zaps though and I worry I will get these too.

I don't think we have much reason to be happy. We have to get up at about 5:30am to catch the bus. It is dark and cold out. Then we are under cameras all day, and we have to work nonstop or we will get detention.




  1. all these daft "depressive" teens you know of in your school.

    Are either lying...or asking for it at the doctors in hard times during their lives, because

    1. everyone else is doing it

    2 to be part of the "craze"

    3. so they can bost their on them

    4. it looks like an easii way out

    ive known teens on antidepressants.

    Some of them had a **** ty life. he was abandoned by his parents at 3y/o and has been chucked from foster parent to foster parent all his life, then the one he really got comfy with died suddenly. he ran away and got caught and ended up on medication and observation.

    Then ive known a few girls that were in my year at school...they lived in massive houses, their parents were still together, they all got cars for their birthdays, and had massive parties for there birthdays or halloween or valentines day....

    and "oh no, i broke up with my boyf i was with for 3 days and im sooooo depressed" and go to the docs, exaggerate symptoms and end up on stupid amounts of antidepressants, and then wander round saying "ive forgotten my anitdepressants, im gonna go hang myself"

    and make idiots out of themselves.

    maybe... another reason, is where u live, you have an ULTRA lazy doctor, that sees all these teens traipsing in moaning "my lifes so baad, my mum didnt buy me a pony!"

    maybe hes so fcukin sick of them, he just hands them anitdepressants to shut them up?

    my mum was on antidepressants for a few months after my brother died, and she didnt turn into these freaks u see in your school that think its "cool" to be on them.

    She didnt want to "hang herself" or "feel like dying" if she missed one!

    do yourself a favour, get some self confidence, sort your self image out, get some mental stregnth and dont rely on medical concotions to control your brain!

    you'll be better for it


    and as for ADHD, its just kids that are understimulated, with brilliant imaginative and creative minds that want to do something all of the time! your supposed to encourage that, not mix them a cocktail of drugs to stop them and deny there enthusiasm...

  2. I get up at, five, live on a farm, have to work more than the average teen, h**l more than the unavereage teen. I find life extraordinarily tough. I find myself really smart, but unable to actually do the work in school, cause im too lazy. I sleep the whole bus ride. I dont have time to be social, my animals need me. I find it hard to e happy, or even have energy. Im an athiest. and yet above it all, theres a peaceful serinity like feeling. a joy to know that i still live, that what friends i have are good friends. I know that i have it good compared to thousands of others. I dont need no anti depressents. I just need a way to spread my happiness.

  3. Go grab the book "prozac nation". Some really good insight as to the over-medication of american youths..and well, the adult population as well.

    I think prescriptions are a lack-lustre, quick fix for a lot of things. Definately over-used and frequently prescribed to those needing alternative solutions.

  4. 7/10 people suffer from depression.

    It's the most common mental illness.

    Most of the depressed people are teens.

    I'm sorry.

    Your school sounds even worse than mine. : /

    What kind of school do you go to?

  5. Where are you living?   It sounds like you're in some weird universe and not in the USA.  You also don't say how old you are.  Teenagers 18 and below shouldn't take certain anti-depressants because of suicidal thoughts.

    I don't know how many teens are on anti-depressants, but I'll tell you:  it's a lot more than say 15 years ago.   Life is tough, complicated, full of rules and you're surrounded by a lot of people in school.  Talk to a doctor and therapist soon so that you can sort this out!  Good luck!

  6. sounds like you need to be dumped with a gallon of rainbows and sunshine...

  7. You know all these school shootings we've been having? All the shooters were on anti-depressant drugs. These drugs are dangerous because if you are on them a little while and then stop taking them, you can seriously flip out, because they rewire your brain. Don't expect the pharmaceutical companies to be honest with you about theses drugs, they are making billions in profits. If I were you I would cut out all sugar and caffeine from my diet, and do a little research and find out how to eat healthy, organic food. I would also advise you to take some form of martial arts, for the excercise and confidence-building. Good luck.

  8. well alot hv to do with the teachers, now if a kid cant pay attention or sumthin like that they asume u hv ADHD, all that medication does is skrew u up for when ur older, cuz rite now u can grow out of that, and its just life, u may shake cuz u dont wana b there, or ur over tired. i wake up at 4 every morning and go to bed at like midnite, im in 8th grade. But i did a lot of research on this cuz my lil broe has it. and a few of my friends. DONT take the medicine, you just need more sleep. and for those people that r makin fun of u, tell them off dont let them push u around! if u get rid of them in ur life or just dont let it get to u, u can b really happy.

  9. Because you live in the US...! And because there is Big Business behind it! Here in Europe, antidepressants are not considered life style drugs but the ultimate ratio.

    Live is hard, I agree. But pills are not a solution to stand it. Tell your brother to get off Prozac or whatever he is consuming instantly, talk to good friends, do sports, eat little but healthy food and he/you'll experience what I call a big surprise. Good luck!

  10. The reasons: MTV, VH1, TMZ, E! etc, you get the picture.

    ADHD I believe is being caused by the FOOD we eat, afterall the fruits you are eating from the grocery store are sprayed with all kinds of chemicals to maintain shelf life and WAXED with the same products you would use to wax your car. Foods are contaminated nowadays and there's nothing we poor folks can do about it.

    Expect way more ADHD in the future. I refuse to have kids with all the junk I've eaten.

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