
Why are so many weirdos on this site completely obsessed with religion??

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Why does it grieve you so much that other people believe differently??OMG just let it go already.




  1. Look who's talking.

  2. Some say christianity is retarding our country competitively, while others liken atheism to a cancer eating the country from within. This shall end when only one is left standing.

  3. You're in the religious section. What did you expect to find?

    If you want people obsessed with their hair, gardens, or food, go to thoses sections and you'll find the same thing.

  4. Why are you so obsessed over why they're obsessed?

    Why does it grieve you so much that other people have strong opinions? OMG just let it go already!!

    See, what you're doing is no better than what those "weirdos" are doing.

  5. your right.

    people need to be more open minded. but one thing we both can't do is change people.

    there will always be ignorant biased people who think they're religion is dominating all others. i don't see what's so important about the topic, people will believe in what they want to believe in. period.

  6. Why are so many teenagers on this site so obsessed with vampires? Anyways, I know how you feel. Except, in a different way. But still, so many people are obsessed with religion, but just let them be. What we need is less criticizing. I see a lot of people calling atheists stupid. Funny thing is, I once saw a Christian man calling an atheist stupid. The stupid part was, the atheist had graduated from college and had a good job and everything...whereas the man who was calling him things that I will not repeat...Was living off welfare. I'm not saying anything against specific religions. I'm just saying, all of them are corrupting our world in some ways. Atheism included, since it is a belief system of a sort.

  7. Well then get the h*ll out of this section!! Why are you obsessing over it? If you don't like the questions, don't read the questions! And what is wrong with someone from one religion or for that matter no religion trying to understand the thoughts and beliefs of a person from a different religion? That's what the world needs!! Understanding! Not someone telling people to shut up!!

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