
Why are so many white people imitating black people

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it seems that more and more white people are imitating black people all over the world. I would love to see people just be themselves.




  1. white people imitate black people becuz they want to be us. We are so intelligent and fun to be around and they are so boring and lame so they wanna act like us but it doesn't even pull through do they should just quit

  2. "Wiggers" are the absolute Gooch, of our modern society. They are worthless souls with no lives. Most probably live in the trailer parks of America with there fat a*s moms and girlfriends, and ugly a*s kids. Im not fond of anyone who acts like some gun toting fool who cant speak proper english, and grabs there crotch while walking. This country is fucked..

  3. Because Ghetto is black and a couple of comments are correct in saying talking black sounds uneducated, that is because it is uneducated. Ignorant whites who try to act black have always been ignorant, by trying to be black it helps them coping with the fact that they are ignorant, uneducated, and don't have a clue.

  4. No one anywhere is trying to be black. As a black person, I need to say it's stupid to say that. You either are black by your genetics or you're not, period. Blacks need to seriously get over themselves and stop with this stupid acting black and acting white stuff and all this stupid race talk. Their just making themselves look stupid and it's old.

  5. I think it depends on the media.  I am a first generation American.  I am hispanic.  I learned to speak English watching tv and listening to American radio.  This was before rap.  I wasn't imitating white people...but the media was white and I was young and adapting to the country.  Then, later, rap came along...I was already older and I didn't like it except in its early stages.  So, now that the media promotes a lot of black American culture and kids are watching it...they will copy it consciously or subconsciously--unless they only watch/listen to 'white' stuff.  The media 'is' the American culture.  So, many white people are just imitating what they see...I think.

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