
Why are so many women on here complaining about their husbands? Do you think the wife could be the problem?

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and/or the reason why the guys are so miserable and apparently don't want to be married any longer?




  1. The longer I linger on Y!A the more I feel it is the women who contribute to a lot of the h**l at home.

    They expect a man to change after marriage and/or baby.

    They expect a man to contribute to 50% of the housework if the wife also works AND expects the man to "take over" once he gets home from his day.  Or they complain about doing housework and having meals ready on time, when they do not contribute dime one to the household.

    They forget (or never knew) how to make a man feel like a real man.  Trust me, you treat a man like a king the RIGHT WAY (not letting him walk all over you and cheat on you and hit you) he WILL treat you like a queen.

    I am a woman in my 30s, raised by a single mother who NEVER relied on a man for anything.  It took my own failed marriage and a relationship with a real MAN to figure out how most of them tick.  Men truly are simple creatures, we women just jack it up with making it complicated.

  2. Sometimes yes.  But I think women, more often than men want answers and are willing to ask others for help.

  3. human nature !!

  4. its always the woman

    women are greedy,selfish and narrow minded

    they just need to lay on their backs, cook and shutup

  5. nah.

  6. The truth is most men make bad husbands. Then, their sons grow up to make bad husbands and their daughters grow up thinking that is how men should treat them. Women complain a lot because it can very difficult to communicate with men.  

  7. No. It's because most men make bad husbands.  

  8. No!!  Are you stupid?  How could the woman possibly be the problem? Just because they nag, give ultimatums, "forget" their birth control, gain a bunch of weight, chop their hair off, never shut up.......the list goes on.

    Don't you know marriage is about LOVE, that's why women want guys to sign a contract that gives the woman nice parting gifts like alimony when she gets caught humping the mailman.  Its about love!!!!

    Man, this section just provides reason upon reason why a man should never get married!  Marriage is for the poor and the dumb!

  9. Their husbands would be complaining, but THEY are out cheating!

  10. i think you see more women cuz they want to come up with a solution, whereas men are probably crankin' one off somewhere to internet p**n...

  11. If I have a complaint to make about my husband, I take it straight to the source (him), and trust me he does the same... lol!  

  12. I'm a woman but yes some women drive men crazy just like some men drive women crazy........

    ladies easy up

  13. You could be right,  It does take two.


  14. maybe in a few cases, but there are some men out there stuck in the 1950's and think their wives are property or a slave that they own and can push around.

  15. because most of the time it is the guy.. women are more mature about things (usually...)

  16. I think the husband are the problem..if not why are there wives complaining?

  17. The problem is that women and men are always going to be different, but ever since their dependence thing, they want things their way. Men cheat because of the constant nagging and their insecruities they have about their man. Women have alot of emtional baggage and need to get that in check.

  18. Women tend to be more verbally expressive about their issues, but that doesn't put them at fault. Surely some of these situations are her fault, some his, plenty are likely both.

    When a couple is in disagreement or aren't getting along, there are 3 sides to their stories. His, hers, and the truth (which is usually somewhere in the middle).

    Most people will relate their problems and worries from their point of view, so thus it will tend to cause them to possibly look better than they do from the other person's point of view.  

  19. Yes and No.

    I think some women who claim marital problem need to look at themselves in the mirror too. It may not be 100% caused by them but sometimes it is their attitude or the way they treat their husband is what contributes to things going wrong.

    Be it a controlling or manipulative behavior, not contributing their fair share around the house, not having s*x as a form of punishment or other vindictive behaviors, sharing family money unfairly, not talking rationally about problems, not taking blame, not able to take criticism constructively, not being understanding, or being too selfish. The same can be said of their husbands (except probably the not having s*x part as punishment).

    A lot of it could start with a bad match to begin with or marriage under the wrong circumstances. Unplanned pregnancy being one of the worst reasons to get married. A lot of people stay together out of convenience or because they don't want to be away from their kids even though they don't like one another much. The problem is there is a lack of communication at some point and/or one or both partners is selfish.

    It's also due to couples not being understanding or forgiving or open to one another. A couple gets into a fight about something and it gets resolved only to be brought up again year after year. Things need to get resolved and forgotten about. The build up of nasty feelings can't be good. Things need to be brought up too and not sat on and stewed about. That only causes irrational arguments when things boil over and irritable people in general. Of course each partner has to be understanding for that to work and that's a big problem.

    I think most of it comes from selfishness. That is defined as one putting their needs or feeling before the other or as not thinking about any other (in this case the spouse) person other than themselves. If you did everything in your power to please your spouse and they did the same for you it would be a perfect marriage and how things aught to be.

  20. cause women love to gossip the view etc

    and of course it could be there fault as well

    it NORMALLY takes two to tango unless you are the mask

  21. dont hate all women,because one has hurt you.

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