
Why are some Astrology believers wierd like this? read..?

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some girl told me that i had nice eyes, & immediately after i said thanks, she asked me if I was a pisces.

I said yes ('cause I am), and then asked why? she said b/c i had the eyes of a pisces. HAHA. i cracked up & concluded that she is very wierd. wierd b/c she was serious about her comment.

are you wierd like her?




  1. Why does she have to be weird just because she asked you that. She doesn't sound weird to me. After all she did get your sun sign right didn't she? Just because something sounds weird or a bit dumb to you doesn't make it that way. I'm sure your views and opinions are weird to her and lots more people. Just because most of us believe in Astrology doesn't make us weird and out of our minds! The only weird one is you because your making such a big deal out of it to come on here and ask this question. I'd rather be weird then be boring! You sound like a boring character!

  2. if you know alot about astrology its fun to guess what sign someone you dont know too well is. i've studied astrology for fun for a few years and i dont exactly believe it to be true 100% of the time but i think people and thier personalities can be swayed torwards that of their zodiac sign. she isn't weird she's just talented and you don't have an open mind

  3. Since she was accurate, I would say she isn't  weird at all.  

  4. I don't think that's weird I used to do that too in high school nothing wrong with it.  

  5. No. Only Pisces do that.

  6. Yes i am. We just know these things. I can go into a room and pick out someone sign before i ever speak to them.  

  7. I believe in astrology, but I don't believe that it has any bearing whatsoever on your physical appearance.  I'm tired of the whole, "Taurans are known for their red hair", etc.  It's impossible.

    However, based on Pisces penchant for having an addictive personality, maybe you looked drunk or high...

  8. I am a freak

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