
Why are some Jr fans having trouble admitting that it was Jr's fault that he hit the wall??

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Eury Jr. had nothing to do with it

He didn't blow a tire

He wasn't the only driver dealing with a loose car (everyone was)

I think it was 100% DRIVER

What do you think??




  1. sure it was his fault

    would'nt want to doubt the mighty j m  

  2. The embarrassment he is suffering is playing games with his fried brain..big bad Kyle has stolen all of his thunder..thank goodness the jr. nation supports him.,who else wants them-Gordon could finish last in all the remaining races, he has nothing at all to prove..GO KYLE...

  3. Well If you know anything about JR he runs the high line at almost every track. He likes it up there. He can usually make his car run up there... I am sure he was exhausted by the time he hit the wall , fighting a loose car all day at 200 MPH is not easy... heck my arms killed me after a day of go carting with my son. Give the guy a break!!

  4. Jr is an overrated failure. Go Kyle!

  5. Yep, he made a mistake. That doesn't mean I will stop being his fan. I have said it before, and I will say it again....he needs to quit racing the high line. It's only a matter of time before he smacks the wall.

  6. Yeah  it was his fault all the way.  All I know is that he better get his act together when the chase begins.   No mess up or s***w ups or anything.  Otherwise he won't have a chance.

  7. Too many Junior fans think you are guilty of blasphemy if you even hint that Junior is not God.

    Must be something in the Koolaid.

  8. who cares what the Junior fans think.

    oh wait...

    I forgot, that's an important thing.

    I don't know, why they do that, maybe you should just ask the Junior fans.

    Maybe it's just some sort of justification for them.

    Or maybe they're just fx@king with your head.

    You know those darn Jr. fans

  9. Yes, Driver error....Jr is known for running at the top almost every race and his luck just simply ran out, so guess what?? I agree with you for

    Good Post, thanks..* for you

  10. He had a loose race car, he pissed and moaned about it all day, this was total driver error due to complaining the entire race, car was so over adjusted....Dale Jr just shut up and drive, your dad drove a zillion bad race cars AND WON, so get it together.

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  11. Things happen. There were ALOT of loose cars in the race today. I do blame Jr.alittle, but still he should have pitted with the other cars... but I don't know.. I am not thinking straight right now....

    Go Dale Jr.!!!


  12. Jr. fans can't admit when their "perfect can do no wrong" love makes a mistake.

  13. D.E. = Driver Error

  14. Of course it was Jr.'s fault, he was driving.  Because he drives such a high line, when he got loose there was no place to go.  There definitely were a lot of loose cars on the track today.

    Go Jr.>>>>

  15. I admit that it is wallflower's fault for hitting the wall...  I think he didn't mean to but he lost himself.  He had drove around the track all day long dragging his hand around and around the top of the wall just acting like a retarded kid making drool and crapping his pants, then all the sudden his arm bent and he made a boo boo...

    Poor WALLFLOWER needs some skills, some of us have known it all along...

  16. idk

  17. Jr fans can not admit that jr is not the driver his dad was, they won't admit to anything wrong jr was the walls fault. It has to be... cause there wasn't another driver to blame it on.

  18. As all hope for an Earnhardt championship go slowly swirling down the crapper..........Go Kyle!

  19. i love dale jr but it was his fault looked like he got loose and hit the wall.

  20. Anyone who says that it wasn't Jr's fault are just fooling themselves. He just smacked the wall, that's all there is to it.

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