
Why are some PEOPLE SO RUDE????????

by  |  earlier

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People pushing and shoving in the Q in LIDL





  1. Welcome to the real world, just shove right back.

    PS were not all rude, take some time to chill out, you'll feel better for it. Good luck.

  2. i kno i just hate that, when it really angers me i have to pray for them to find peace in their lives

  3. Because they can get away with it.

  4. don't complain, you will get a knife in you.

    be extra nice to the cashier, she has to deal with them every day, all day.  always say thankyou, as I'm sure you do.  You will be the one customer she is pleased to meet.

  5. Sounds like a rhetorical question. People are rude because of the "me" generation. While one person is intelligent, for some reason, many people together turn into idiots.  If you spoke to each person individually, 10 out of 10 would tell you they don't like to be treated rudely, yet the group as a whole can't manage to be respectful of others. "Gang members" are an excellent example of this phenomenon.

  6. Because they have nothing better to do then think there above other people, in short there selfish :S

  7. THAT'S WHERE ALL THE DESPERATE POOR PEOPLE SHOP. They don't have time to develope diplomassy and mmanners. Just t*at em with your rolling pin.

  8. because poeple dont care about other people. they have no worry for some one else only for themselves. Ask anyone who works retail how nasty "the public" can be and are on a daily basis!

  9. Because some people are very self centred!

  10. People can be rude in any store, it is annoying and they just seem so aggressive. They are self centred and don't ever seem to be able to be care for other people's feelings or rights! I just tend to ignore them but am pleasantly surprised by polite people. So all is not lost, there are decent people out there!

  11. people are miserable and seem to think it's ok to act like a******s....either that or they think they're above everyone the snobs i had to deal with when i worked in a store...


  13. omg i hate that!! they even have the decency to say excuse me!! uggghhhhh

  14. I am confused here as there are a number of Lidils in the area I live and it is almost impossible this could happen.  The entrance to the check-out is narrow and everyone just queues behind each other, there is really nowhere to push or shove to. However, often there is only one check-out open and you are told you can suddenly go to another one and often I do see people queue jumping and impatient at these times. If I have not an appointment I am running late for I just let them have moment of glory and not look at the satisfied smirk on their faces that they have queue jumped. You should really feel sorry for people who behave like this as they are just illmannered and there will be many times in life it will be their downfall.

  15. even i found so many people rude here who are giving thumbs down if for answer yes of no they are giving thumbs down for both lol

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