
Why are some People so concerned about the.......?

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Why are some People so concerned about the " Social Impact " of the pregnancy of one unwed teenage girl but are unconcerned about the " Social Impact " of the Statistical Fact that 70 % of all Black Babies are born out of wedlock ?

Doesn't this Statistic impact a great deal more on Society ( through welfare mothers, absent fathers, lack of family unity , etc ) than the pregnancy of 1 teenage girl does ?

Palin's daughters pregnancy will have a negligible impact upon Society as just 1 more teenage baby born out of wedlock when compared to the fact that 70 % of all Black Babies are being born out of wedlock .

If we condemn Sarah Palin ( soon to be grandmother ) & her daughter ( soon to be mother ) for the fact that the girl is unwed & pregnant......Don't we also have to condemn 70% of the Parents & Grandparents of all Black Babies because these Parents were also unwed & preganant too ?




  1. Excellent point.  You are exactly right.  The Democrats want to complain that Sarah Palin's abstinence only view caused her daughter's pregnancy but the vast majority of African Americans are Democrats and do not have abstinence only views yet overwhelmingly they are unwed mothers and unwed teenage mothers who have a different father for each child.   How does that prove that safer s*x education is working?  

    And how do people with this high a teenage pregnancy rate among the members of their party try to attack Sarah Palin in terms of family values because of her daughter's pregnancy.  If you are going to do that, then they would have to concede that their party is a complete failure in terms of family values, if teenage and unwed pregnancies are the criteria to go by.  

    But trying to get Democrats to see their own hypocrisy is about as effective as trying to convince Kucinich that he saw an airplane not a UFO.

  2. This is why I am so turned off about the Democratic party now. Instead of sympathizing and using some understanding, they are smearing this story left and right. Dems are supposed to want to help people like her, but yet are going after it like a rabid dog. I was split between the 2 canidates, now after all this i am leaning towards McCain. I wonder how many votes are going to be lost for Obama due to the hard core Democrat attacks on this story??

  3. Those black mothers aren't running for VP.

  4. Statistics show blacks have the highest rate of abortions as well. Maybe thats why they like Obamas right to decide?

  5. yeahh seriously its not like she is 14 or anything.

    i mean she is 17 sure but its not like its a totally bad thing.

    but unfortunately not too many people see it that way and i think it was a bad choice to choose her;...

  6. She's not responsible for her daughter's pregnancy. Anyhow, I like how people say "they and them" in reference to people.

  7. Your question makes sense and that's why the left won't understand.

  8. It doesn't seem like Sarah Palin is so concerned.  She will leave that 4 month old newborn with downs syndrome at home and her 17 year old pregnant unwed teenager and chase her dream.  It looks like she has arranged her life to repeatedly keep herself away from home.  

  9. this is interesting, and I am glad that you pointed this out.

  10. Did you forget to add in the amount of illegals being born out of wed lock to some very young girls we are talking 14- 15 years old. Again I must say for someone to assume that people are not designed to be independent is both naive and unrealistic. You can raise a child but by the time they are old enough to communicate pretty much they are giving off their own thoughts . People are blessed to be independent minded you can preach and beg but a person will do just as they wish. There is a silly assumption going around the country today that this one 17 year old young woman should be a mindless drown to appease the masses. redicuals

  11. So what exactly are you trying to say? That's so ignorant.

    It seems you're attempting to put down black girls...get over yourself.

    Enough of the racial stupidity.

  12. It isn't the Democrats, at least those on the ticket, that is condemning Bristol Palin and Gov. Palin: It's the media. The media are trying to show Gov. Palin as a hypocrite for spousing "abstenence only until marriage" form of s*x-ed, yet her daughter gets pregnant out of wedlock. The Obama-Biden campaign are trying to stay out of the debate, with Obama saying he was a product of a teenage mother.

  13. That's why Barry came out and said that families and especially children are off limits. He doesn't want the comparison to his own up-bringing.

  14. Nobody's really "concerned" about the fact that she is unwed.  It's just that we know that if it had been the other way around (Obama's daughter) it would have had FOX, Limbaugh, and the McCain campaign salivating as a way to put down Obama.  I just find it plain funny that the Republicans are such hypocrites about "family values."

    Don't you remember Quayle (trying to) give a speech about the sitcom "Murphy Brown" and how it was portraying unwed motherhood as OK?

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