Why are some People so concerned about the " Social Impact " of the pregnancy of one unwed teenage girl but are unconcerned about the " Social Impact " of the Statistical Fact that 70 % of all Black Babies are born out of wedlock ?
Doesn't this Statistic impact a great deal more on Society ( through welfare mothers, absent fathers, lack of family unity , etc ) than the pregnancy of 1 teenage girl does ?
Palin's daughters pregnancy will have a negligible impact upon Society as just 1 more teenage baby born out of wedlock when compared to the fact that 70 % of all Black Babies are being born out of wedlock .
If we condemn Sarah Palin ( soon to be grandmother ) & her daughter ( soon to be mother ) for the fact that the girl is unwed & pregnant......Don't we also have to condemn 70% of the Parents & Grandparents of all Black Babies because these Parents were also unwed & preganant too ?