
Why are some Republicans complaining about the media bias?

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towards Palin because of her daughter's pregnancy? I mean they only went crazy for like two days. Ever since that was over,they've been talking about the convention, and they said that her speech was good.

If anyone are dragging out the pregnancy issue,it's the Republicans at the RNC.First of all,it was Palin who held a press conference announcing it to the media. Well,to be fair she had to because there were false vicious rumors going around the internet (sound familiar) about her own pregnancy. I guess she figured that people would eventually find out,but what do people expect? A nice small report on the pregnancy and let it go. The reason that the media was so hung up on it was because a) Palin was a name they hadn't heard before last friday b) they don't know anything about her and they find out that her oldest daughter is pregnant c) it's very scandalous for any politician's daughter to get pregnant (Democrat or Republican)

Also,it was Palin and McCain who decided to have Levi join Bristol at the RNC and walk on stage together holding hands just to fire up the social conservative base. They want these two to show that they're getting married. I mean what was the point. Palin already made a press release about that and asked for privacy,but she didn't have to have Levi fly out and be with Bristol. That will obviously get more attention.

Why are they dragging it out if they don't want attention?

By the way,I'm one of the few liberals who recognizes the left leaning bias in the media. Having said that,they would've reported on this story if it happened to a Democratic politician




  1. This will, in the long run, merely be perceived as the Republicans revealing their soft underbelly, as if.  

  2. Because it's a joke when democrats complain about Fox News. There can't be just one network that is fair to us? How greedy are liberals?

  3. Tax Cuts:

    Economic Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001:

    Reduced lowest tax rate for 15% to 10%, and the highest from 39.6% to 35%. Obliterated a $230 BILLION surplus and created a $413 BILLION deficit. A study by the Tax Policy Center found that low- and middle-income Americans, the bottom 60% of Americans only recieved 13.7% of the tax cuts.

    No Child Left Behind:

    By the end of President Bush's first term, complaints about the administrations failure to fund the Act were shelling the White House.

    Kyoto Protocol

    Set requirements for 38 industrialized nations to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions. Bush pulled out of the treaty.

    With the rejection of the protocol and the decision to withdraw from the Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty, President Bush seemed to be leading the country on a road not traveled since after World War I, that of isolationism.

    Domestic Policies

    "This administration, in catering to industries that put America's health and natural heritage at risk, threatens to do more damage to our environmental protections than any other in U.S. history." - The National Resources Defense Council

    He accused Democrats of wanting to make Social Security a Federal program, even though it HAS been a federal program since it's inception under Roosevelt. (lol)

    I don't think I need to go into the War in Iraq.

    "George Bush dispenses with people who confront him with inconvenient facts. He truly believes he's on a mission from God. Absolute faith like that overwhelms a need for analysis. The whole thing about faith is to believe things for which there is no empirical evidence, but you can't run the world on faith." - Bruce Bartlett, domestic policy advisor to Ronald Reagan

    Speaking of Reagan, to be fair, Bush did reinstate one of Reagan's policies that stopped federal funds going to international organizations that advocated or paid for abortions.

    Also, it is possible to have a liberal bias AND be right about the GOP.  (Which is the case, minus Sean "I'm a pompous a*****e" Hannity and Bill "I'm right or you catch one on the jaw" O'Reilly.)

  4. Republicans always complain when media does not support their lies

    or ask them 'improper' questions they can not answer without lying.

  5. IMHO, it wasn't the questions about her pregnancy or her daughter's pregnancy that were inappropriate.  The questions that were demeaning and sexist were those that asked how we can think of her as a leader if her daughter misbehaved.  They asked this question implying that Palin was a bad  mother (and therefore a bad leader)  because she had a high-level job while being a mom. Amazingly, Biden's daughter was arrested this week, but NO ONE implied that he was a bad father and therefore a bad leader because his daughter got into trouble.

    Do you see the sexism now??

    Many of the questions put to her or were made about her implied that she was less capable of the position because she is (gasp) a woman!

    Furthermore, the lies that were spread about Bristol were horrendous and should have outraged any decent human being.  Completely unfounded stories about Bristol being Trig's biological mother and even going so far as to imply an incestuous relationship.  Telling lies like that for political gain?  They should be shot in their private parts -- IMHO.

  6. Its still all over the place, Look at the YA boards.

    How many of these PALINS DAUGHTER posts are from Republicans??

  7. Republicans HATE it when you don't kiss their a s s.

    They call Obama "Messiah" because they are JEALOUS.

  8. Because they have ALWAYS said the same thing its the press who did it

    As for Palin the unknown PTA hockey mom...who said on national tv she was pit-bull with lipstick...someone should have told her pit-bulls are BANNED from most cities as she will be

    Gloves are off

  9. You are providing the reason right hear and now. What does it matter if "TODD" had a DUI 20 yrs ago? Do you realize where your "Chosen one" attended school and under what teachings? That info in your non biased media hasn't been mentioned much has it. How about the religion that for 20 years Obama believed in and followed only to renounce and deny when brought to the public attention (the tiny attention it received) Gee I love a man that is MAN enough to stand up for his beliefs! Oh ya Your "chosen one" cant make up his mind

  10. yes i agree, also they would eat it up if it were the daughters of obama, but also the republicans are the ones who claim the the Democratic elect is a celebrity but yet it was the Republicans that when to people magazine for the front page when they went with palin, and also that Britney's sister who contacted bristol, so whose the celebrity?

  11. don't you see the bile that slips from your mouth? this is what we are offended by.

  12. Honestly now...

    What the h**l does a candidate's teenaged daughter have to do with the issues or politics??

    No parent can watch or control their daughter 24/7.  And look how they dug up Todd Palin's 20 year old DUI in just under 2 days.  

  13. Because the first thing all bigots due is claim "victimhood" or point at an "enemy" which are both ways to distract the person from the truth.

    Everyone knows that kid was never going to marry Palin's fat daughter.  They are just playing for face... The poor guy was probably threatened.  That is if Palin's daughter is actually pregnant.  Mark my words she will mysteriously have a "miscarriage" and then Levy will be off the hook.  By the way I wonder whether Levy has requested a paternity test??  

    If he is smart he will ask for one.

  14. It is a propaganda technique. The McCain campaign team believe it solidifies their base to instill a bit of the siege mentality in them.

    Part of governing ny fear is that you need to direct the fear and anger at an external target or it will become focused on you. This means you need a perpetual enemy for the people you are controlling.

    Notice that they use nonspecific designators as their targets. Nobody is specific about exactly who the "Liberal" media are. It seems to be whoever is actually asking them a question at the moment.

  15. Because as McCain said it " They're all a bunch of whiners".

  16. Because they perceive that they are the victim.

  17. Well because they are, Im not so much upset that they reported on bristols being pregnant. I just abhorred the instant smear campaign they launched because of their bias even prior to the announcment about bristol. They stopped picking on her so hard after her speech. She pretty much gave em the speech version of the bird.

  18. It wasn't just the teen pregnancy story. Mainstream media had picked up a story from the liberal daily kos, and were reporting that Trig Palin's youngest was actually her daughter Bristol's child. Then you had some reporters questioning if Palin should even be on the ticket because she's a mom. There was one headline that I've found really offensive and I believe it was in the Washington Post. It read is Palin's down syndrome son the best thing that happened to the GOP? How sick is that like Palin simply had her little boy for political gain. Not to mention the recent Us mag. that ran a headline called Baby lies and scandals. The editor who was interviewed finally admitted there were no evidence of scandals,and the lies he mentioned were actually about the daily kos story.  

  19. The media has to report something.  And in their case there is nothing good to report.  instead of taking responsibility for their stupidity they are blaming it on someone else.  Typical republican behavior.

  20. i have a feeling mccain wants americans to get distracted with the palin

    controversy,that way they wont notice the fact that he brings no new ideas to the table.

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