
Why are some ads and other graphics covered with red?

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Why are some ads and other graphics covered with red?




  1. Red is the first thing your eye will notice when you're looking at something. So, lets take the coca cola adversitement, the whole thing is red. You always notice that first, before you notice whatever else is on the screen.

    For some reason, red is the color the brain will register first then allow you to see what else is in the screen.

  2. Red has a tendency to attract attention because of its brightness and authoritative appearance to denote interest, just like, for instance, driving on the road and you come up to a Stop sign or red light. Probably, advertisers prefer some forms of red to draw attention to their ads, primarily the product, even if they use it as a background color.  On the Internet, red can be used to represent links that have already been clicked (sometimes, purple is the color).

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