
Why are some belly buttons innies and som outies?

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Why are some belly buttons innies and som outies?




  1. When you are first born, they cut the cord you know, off the bellybutton. & if you cut it short, you result with an outie.

    & if it is cut deep, then you have an innie.

    or so i believe. :]

  2. It depends how the umbilical cord falls off and how you develop.

  3. Wow that is a good one... I got 3 kids 1 with an innie and 2 with outies, and to make it even weirder... the ones with outies are both of mixed race... I star you!

  4. I don't understand your category choice, but it's just dependent on how the scar from the umbilical cord heals.

  5. well i guess it depends on how the umbilical cord falls out and if the baby has a hernia(sp?)

  6. haha idk either.

    i'll come back to check

  7. depends on who ties the knot

  8. LOL, it has nothing to do with how the dr. ties the knot!!! He ties it about 2 inches away from where the cord actually breaks off on it's own. What decides how your button looks is really up to how your body deals with scar tissue and chance for how exactly that little piece of tissue decided to drop off. When it dried and fell, did a 1/8 inch decide to stay alive or did the skin decide to make a big scar?

    My hubby and I both have innies, but his is the weirdest I've seen...It's completely smooth like someone stuck a fingertip in a dough person. Mine is an innie, but has some texture (topography!) to it.

  9. it depends on how the doctor ties the cord. sometimes they do ask

    if you want the baby to have an innie or outie.

  10. cause that what happens

  11. depends how the doctor tied it

  12. depends on how the doctor ties it.

  13. because chuck norris allows us to be born that way

  14. i dk

  15. because they have small hernias.thats what the doctor told me bout my kids

  16. Because people with outies aren't human, they're reptilian and born in an egg(so they never needed an umbilical cord).

    At birth the doctors stick the belly button on, because they're in on the conspiracy.

  17. hm... good question, I don't know why  

  18. Because we are all different.

  19. maybe it has something to do with weight idk

  20. I don't know

  21. Hahahaha good question. I actually don't know, I think it is how the umbilical cord thing.

    oh, p.s. why is this in zoology? lol


  22. Outties are freaks. The doctor ****** it up.

  23. Idk, maybe the way the umbilical cord was cutt??

  24. depends on how the doctors cut it.

  25. Depends how slack the doctor is.

  26. depends how they sut the umbelica cord...

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