
Why are some communities have a name that end in 'heights'? why isnt it 'height'?

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Why are some communities have a name that end in 'heights'? why isnt it 'height'?




  1. i live close to a place like that...airway heights....well...there is an airport and an airforce base...maybe that has something to do with it? well for mine..hehe

  2. A place on an elevated high ground could be referred to a heights, in plural. To understand why not in singular, just utter the word 'height', it does not make any sense. To refer to a place in height, by convention you use the plural.

  3. good question...i thinkm its probably coz the nearby area has high ground...n probably something to do with old....n i mean really old english

  4. That is a very good question to which I can only guess an answer.  We have all heard of the Rockies, the Alps and the Andes. Who has ever heard of an Alp, a Rocky or an Ande? Perhaps each choice residence has its unique elevation represented by the plural.

  5. I live near a Citrus Heights & Del Paso Heights.

  6. cities with "heights" in the name are those that lay outside of a metroplex or major city (suburbs if you will) that are on hills or ridges simply making them higher than the main city which they are next to.  Pluralizing the name only makes sense because there are going to be multiple "heights" in that area.

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