
Why are some customers are so rude?

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yesterday i was working i work at shop rite its a supermarket i was bagging an order that was like 500 dollars i couldn't get a bag straight and the costumer was like wow he bags for a living and he doesn't know how to bag was it wrong for me to take it the wrong way or was it right for me to bag for some one else?




  1. People who look down on anyone who has a job they see as "inferior" are ignorant. That customer wouldn't have said that to you if they saw you as a human being. It is his/her mistake, not yours. Where would people like that be without people to pump their gas, mow their lawns, or bag their groceries? Try not to take it to heart, and remember that many of us appreciate what you (and anyone in customer service) go through each day. : )

  2. Let me guess.  It was some old person or some middle aged biotch who said that.  That's generally the type of people who like to open their mouths about stuff.  Personally, I'd like to smack the wrinkles out of their face for c**p like that.  I work in customer service too.

    Anyway, you're right if you walked away from that person.

  3. Jeez I know how rude, I bet are good!

  4. That customer was insensitive and rude. Wouldn't you love to show up at his or her work and say the same thing? C'mon. We all make mistakes and sometimes things just don't go the way you want or expect. It's life. It happens. Some people in life are just real jerks. Just smile and say I know, right? I'm trying. It must be my off day today. Try to make a joke. The groceries take a little longer to pack then if things were going smoother, is it a huge problem? If so then that customer has bigger problems and your bagging is just the small one.  

  5. It was rude but he might have just been trying to make a joke.  Who did the bagging when you left?  Is this OK on your job, to walk off?  If so, I guess it was alright with everyone.  If not, you will have to grin and bear it - make a joke back - some of these bags just won't cooperate no matter how nicely I treat them, or just not my day!!

    Some people are just thoughtless - they say the first thing that comes out of their mouths.  Admit it, you've done it too.  You've got to learn how to deal with all kinds of people in the job you have.

  6. You shouldn't have taken it the wrong way.  The guy was just a jerk.  Ignore comments like that.  

  7. Honey, that's NOTHING; I worked in retail for over thirty years and my very first job I had to get ID for a check and the woman took out her wallet and threw all her credit cards in my face. Rude people are part of working with the public, it goes with the territory. Ignore it and move on with your life; you won't be bagging forever.

  8. You are probably the bagger I had yesterday. I bring in my own reusable bags along with a refrigerated bag. Had I been allowed to bag the groceries myself, I could have gotten all the frozen and refrigerated items in the one refrigerated bag. Instead, I had to take some plastic home with me. I REALLY don't want plastic. Now, if that makes me a bitc* in your eyes, I don't really care. I work retail, too. I try to make sure my customers are well taken care of. I work in the electronics dept., but I will ring up everything they have, including groceries. There is a method to bagging. Learn it.  

  9. I can relate  (worked in customer service for years). I found it most easy to just be as kind as possible. No matter how nasty customers can be- kill 'it' (that attitude) with kindness. For example: I apoligize sir, how would you like that done? Would you like to speak to the manager? Don't be afraid to bring managers into any situation (that covers your butt from doing something wrong, too). Most of time they will decline from bringing the manager over and they'll back off. Plus, it helps to call over the manager if your being dis-respected and probaly because you look young. Older people know you don't know the laws and will just cower -so your an automatic target. Don't take their c**p! Just handle it the right way.

  10. SOO if i went to ur store and gave you a dirty look would tell everyone on yahoo about it.

    Sure thats rude but you dont have to ask others if its rude, you know whats rude of someone.

    There was a 500 dollar order at a supermarket.... yeah that girl is spoiled, yeah she needs an attitude adjustment but you don't need to feel guilty or sorry or keep wondering about it. Im sure the girl already forgot about that by now.

    Just know that that sort of stuff is what comes with working for the public and move on. If it really bothers you, find a new job where your not working for all the strangers in your town.

    good luck  :]

  11. that was really rude of that person!!

    i think it was right of you to walk away

    some people think that they are better than others for no reason, but that's not true at all

    you did the right thing

  12. people that are that petty and rude shouldn't be allowed out of the house. But don't let it bother you. Think about it this way.. He is so petty that he has to lash out at everyone around him so he can feel better about his pathetic existence. You shouldn't be mad, you should pity him. When he goes home he has to look in the mirror and look at his miserable reflection. That's punishment enough. I would have walked away and started bagging for another customer.

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