
Why are some democrats so petty and childish?

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As i read the questions and answers here, One thing sticks out more than anything. People who are apparantly democrats are so rude, petty, ask the craziest questions. They do nothing but name calling, and want to degrade. Why? I really want to know ,, I'm not attacking you. You do that well enough yourselves. I see things like does McCain wares depends and call President Bush the devil. My god people please. Don't you understand that the President dosen't make laws and you want to blame, and be so spitefull. Now i'm sure some of you that call yourselves democrats arn't that way and i'm not talking to you. I'm talking to the petty, childish remarks made by those who know that you do it. Why are you that way? When there's so many real problems wrong with the country. And I would like to point out that alot of the problems happening now are caused by Democrats in congress playing politics. This is not a recent thing you can go back years and years and see the same thing. Nothing but name calling like your in elementary school. All I want to know is Why? Oh and i'm sure i'm going to be attacked for this. And when you do you will just prove my point even more. All i want is a straight forward answer. No name calling. Just tell me why you act the way you do. Please just give straight forward answers. And I know the people in our government both Dems and Reps are not fixing the problems we elected them to fix. But you don't get the petty answers from republicans nor do u get those from the dems that really care.




  1. you mean MOST,not SOME dont you? to why...thats what they do

  2. It goes both ways.To say different is disingenuous. Please stop the insults. ALL of you!

  3. First, let's be fair:  There are plenty of Republicans who are petty and childish too.

    To answer your question:  I have had numerous discussions on politics with Democrats, and in almost all cases Democrats get to the point where their beliefs and arguments simply do not stand up to constructive criticism based on logic and rational thinking.  It's rare to find a Democrat who can stand up for his/her beliefs and clearly articulate them logically and rationally, and it's even more rare to find a Democrat who can answer the constructive questions of a Republican without their belief system being exposed as contradictory.  When that happens, 99% or better of Democrats resort to bashing or elitism (or both).  That's when they start calling Republicans neo-n***s or Bible-thumpers or Bush-bots or whatever the current buzz-term is and/or they extoll themselves as the ones who are more open-minded, more understanding, and more accepting than their conservative counterparts, therefore we narrow-minded conservatives "simply don't understand."

    Here's a possible explanation:  At the core of liberal philosophy is the "perfect world" ideal, where life is fair and people are inherently good.  They build their beliefs on this ideal, whereas conservatives realize life isn't fair and people are inherently selfish.  Because of this, conservatives take human nature into account and build a system of laws and government that is designed to give a benefit for "good" behavior (like a tax break for donating to charity) and a punishment for "bad" behavior (going to jail for committing a crime).  Liberals cannot or will not do this.  When something happens that doesn't fit into their perfect world ideal they either rationalize it (by saying something like "It's not his fault he murdered a police officer because he grew up in the ghetto without a father, so we have to understand his rage") or they wring their little hands and stomp their little feet like a six-year-old throwing a tantrum and say "It's not fair!"

  4. It appears you are trying to generalize however I note this statement is some what qualified by stating that SOME are responsible for this behavior.

    As to why: you need to go and inform yourself.

    As for defending THIS president:

    I disagree.  I feel Bush is very MUCH responsible for much of the criminal and unconstitutional actions coming out of this administration.  Seems like his defense of torture puts him and his inner circle very much in harm's way with respect to being arrested for crimes against humanity.

    If he gets to be the DECIDER, he gets to suffer the consequences

    and face accountability.

    Bush makes laws EVERY time he adds a signing statement to bills passed by congress that change the intent of the legislation.

    You will note I refrain from name calling, pejorative characterization and generalizing.

    And thank goodness Democrats are able to block and stall much of what the Bush administration tries to do.

    It all went down hill from the first stolen election of 2000.

    Thankfully his term is winding down and so are the prospects of the GOP in the House and Senate races.

  5. I'm an independent ... I've see this behavior you describe ... FROM BOTH SIDES!!!!!!   Stop trying to blame one side for the problems in here ... You know the republicans are just as bad as the democrats.

      Both sides act like children .

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