
Why are some dogs so mean?

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wolfish instincts?




  1. People.

    If dogs has not been socialized with other animals, dogs, or people it may not feel comfortable and snap.

    They also need to be trained.

    We learn at school and college.

    Dogs learn from us, if you don't do it right and take responsibility, everything will go wrong and end up with a dangerous dog.

    It's also people's fault for lack of education.

    People get dogs at the ages of 1-7 weeks old.

    That is NOT good.

    Dogs need time to learn basic things from their mother and experiment with themselves.

  2. it's how they are raised, not genetic. some dogs are more protective by breeding, but that doesnt make them mean. Pit Bulls are not mean dogs, they are protective and the main problem with them isnt that they are bad dogs, but if one bites you, they can do serious damage because they are very powerful. it has nothing to do with their breeding, its all about how they are raised.

  3. They haven't been socialized ot trained. People mistakes, not dogs.

  4. No, it's the way their owners are raising them.

  5. actually, its normally, the breed. If its a pittbull, they're bred for fighting (which is totally wrong.) some dogs were just raised that way. so its never the dogs fault.

  6. poor socialization or training..  or poor temperment from poor breeding practices.

    It has nothing to do with "wolfish" instincts.  Wolves are not actually mean.. they are shy and fearful of humans.

  7. Is not just how they are raised,it can be tho  but not all the time if a dog is gona be ",mean"then  is buit in them.U hear of Pitbulls,Akitas and so on, that have bad press about them,but remember they have  been breed like that by human's.So if a dog is "mean" really its cause by US!!!

  8. The sad truth is that some dogs ARE born mean, though more of it has to do with how they are raised.

    With all the poorly bred dogs with high prey instincts, improper whelping, and lack of education on the general public's part, it's no surprise that some dogs are born mean with neurological problems and some are raised to be that way, even if on accident.

  9. its how the owner treats them.

  10. No, its because the owners are irresponsible, and left the dog to its own devices during the molding stages of its life.

    Dogs that are aggressive were not socialized well enough, if at all. Aggression stems from fear, and when dogs aren't introduced to something EVER, they fear it, and in fear they will snap, bite, and growl at the subject to try to force it away from them.

    It *is* an instinct, but not necessarily a wolf-related instinct.

    ADD> Pit bulls were not bred to kill. They are highly intelligent dogs who usually end up with owners who can't tell their butt from their elbow, and are mentally neglected.

    I've never in my life met a "killer" dog. I've met A LOT of killer cats. Never a dog.

  11. Most dogs are mean because of how they have been raised. Any dog with behavioral problems almost certainly has a misinformed or neglectful owner.

    Dogs are not born "mean"...they are made that way!

  12. My opinion is simple, it is how it is raised.simply that.

  13. It can be the owner - It can just be their temperment.

    It really depends on the nature of that breed. Some are more prone to be a "mean" breed. How were they treated as a puppy? Any socialization? Was it good or bad? Were they left alone a lot?

    There are so many factors that it just basically comes down to "who did what"

  14. Same reasons as for people.  Some are genetically prone and then you add environmental factors which includes bad owners, you get a "good animal gone bad"!

  15. some dogs were bred to be mean and it is in their blood. like pit bulls, they were bred to kill

  16. you gotta give em' love

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