
Why are some female HRC supporters going to vote for McCain instead of Obama?

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There are many Hillary supporters that have said they're going to vote for McCain or not at all now that Obama won the nomination.

Women long ago that were denied the right to vote had to fight battle after battle to secure them...

And THIS is how their sacrifices are repaid?

I think the suffragettes would be disgusted.

Rights without responsibilities. I wish there weren't so many instances of that.




  1. Stupidity.

  2. Yes I have heard them say this on FOX news. How stupid they are. Like many feminist, they cry when they don't get their way. And then cry when the republicans win.

  3. i agree although i have to say that hillary supporters are as polarized as they are solely because of the way she ran her campain using mudslinging mixed with complaints of prejudice and playing the victim. she has convinced her supporters that she was somehow duped out of the nomination and that she indeed won the nomination. Now she says she is all for party unity. oh the irony!

  4. Common sense ??.. Perhaps because we don't want an inexperienced child named Hussein who came out of nowhere to his current position..... You have to ask yourself, what do we know about him ?.. Of course that makes too much sense ; I remember you voted not once, but twice for a fool named Bill Clinton.

  5. I have not heard this.

    Do you have a link?

  6. To punish america for its sexism. Obvious isnt it ?

  7. Most Hillary supporters would much rather see Obama in the White House than McCain.

    Especially now that she's being considered as his running mate.

  8. The block of HRC's supporters that clung to her solely because of her gender are now so spiteful because of the "so called sexist media bias" against Hillary during the primaries are teetering on the verge of hypocrisy by turning to McCain because of childish resentment.

    The media hounds constantly analyze how Obama will reach out to these disgruntled women voters and I honestly don't think he can unless he gives the nod for Hillary to be the VP, which he may or may not. Some have probably already made up their minds.

    You may hear "I won't vote for Obama unless Hillary is his running mate", in the next couple days by some of these supporters which sounds more like political blackmail, but hey they can vote for whoever they want. I won't be surprised.

    You have to ask yourself, is this how it will always end when a woman canidate doesn't get the nomination? Women will spitefully turn their noses in the air in defiance because they've been shot down again by some sexist loner in the media like Rush Limbaugh or Chris Matthews instead of looking at the strategies and tactics used by each of the campaigns. Its easy to point the finger anyways right?  Years ago you saw the same pundits talking about how Hillary would route anyone who ran against her, now the story is drastically different.

    Would groups of female/male Obama supporters about face and vote for McCain if Hillary won the nomination? How would Hillary reach across the aisle to these voters? Would the HRC supporters in question even care?

    These primaries have been very ugly for party unity and it would be sad indeed if these voters turned their heads out of spite.

  9. Because thy are cry babies.Plus if McCain beats Obama she can run again in 2012.McCain is the beter choice anyway.

  10. Because McCain is more qualified and the better choice.

  11. Maybe because they think he is more qualified than Barack Obama.

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